Examples of ITE Manual in a sentence
Urban Forestry Standards.Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, I.T.E. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Service to this Eligible Customer will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Open Access Transmission Tariff filed on behalf of Progress Carolinas.Progress Carolinas is requesting aneffective date of January 1, 2003 for this Service Agreement.
The latest version of the ITE Manual will be used to estimate project traffic and exempted trips traveling to and from the site and trips associated with existing entitlements.
In the event that specific land uses for the development are not specified at the time of subdivision or plat application, the daily trip generation rate for the most intensive land use from the ITE Manual for the land use classification of the application shall be used to compute the estimated average daily trips.
If the trip generation is not listed in the ITE Manual, then the use shall be considered materially similar to the use that most closely approximates the proposed use.