Trip Sheet definition
Trip Sheet means the written record of the details of each Trip;
Trip Sheet means the written record of the details of each Trip, in a form prescribed by the Chief Taxi Inspector;
Examples of Trip Sheet in a sentence
A Trip Sheet Summary will be sent to the OoA with the Monthly Report and invoice by the 15th calendar day of the following month.
Mileage readings on the Driver’s Trip Sheet will indicate the actual per trip miles from pick-up point to drop-off point.
Mileage readings on the Driver's Trip Sheet will indicate the vehicle (or trip) odometer Mileage readings at both the place of client pick-up and the place of client drop-off for each SNEMT Trip.
Each SNEMT driver will maintain a Driver’s Trip Sheet that includes information for each SNEMT trip provided.
The Monthly Performance Report and Demographic Report Form will be accompanied by an electronic copy of the recorded Trip Sheet data for the month just completed.
More Definitions of Trip Sheet
Trip Sheet means the written record of the details of each trip as recorded by the taxi Driver;
Trip Sheet means a written record of each trip on the form prescribed in this By-law.
Trip Sheet means the written record of the details of each Trip, but not including the distance traveled, in a form as prescribed by the City Clerk from time to time; and
Trip Sheet means a record of the details of all trips made by a taxicab during each period of continuous operation (each shift) containing,
Trip Sheet means a record of the details of all trips made by a Taxicab while in operation that contains, at a minimum—
Trip Sheet means a digitally signed electronic document to be issued by competent authority in the format as may be notified from time to time containing such other details as notified which shall be generated at the mine site or stockyard, as the case may be.
Trip Sheet. Trip Sheet" shall mean a record kept of specific information required by ordinance, rule, or operating procedure for a period of time worked by the driver of a public passenger vehicle in demand-response service. This is also known as a driver's log or manifest.