Tuberculosis test definition

Tuberculosis test means a Mantoux skin test, Quantiferon Gold blood test, or other test approved by the Delaware Division of Public Health.
Tuberculosis test means either the Mantoux skin test or an interferon gamma release assay (IGRA).
Tuberculosis test means either of the following:

Examples of Tuberculosis test in a sentence

  • Candidates submit a Dispositions Self- Assessment, a signed Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, a signed Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel form, a Tuberculosis test form, and Statement of Understanding of Admissions Guidelines.

  • If your nationality is not on this Tuberculosis exemption list, then you need to take a Tuberculosis test in the Netherlands.- Scholarship award letter.- Nuffic certificate (Chinese nationals only).

  • The Tuberculosis test (also called a PPD or Mantoux, and similar to a Tine test) is designed to find those individuals who have been exposed to, and carry the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, but are not yet sick.

  • Candidates submit a Dispositions Self- Assessment, signed Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, signed Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel form, a Tuberculosis test form, and Statement of Understanding of Admissions Guidelines.

  • Students are responsible for any verification of health records, proof of immunizations, or a Tuberculosis test that is required by a practicum site.

  • The credential packet will include: formal placement request letter, student teacher application, essay, resume, Praxis scores (if available), letter of recommendation, Act 34 Pennsylvania Criminal Record Check, Act 114 FBI Criminal History Record, Act 151 Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, Tuberculosis test results, and academic transcripts.

  • Students are responsible for any verification of health records, proof of immunizations or a Tuberculosis test that is required by a practicum site.

  • Internship and clinical sites may also require a current (within six months) Tuberculosis test, flu vaccine, and Hepatitis B vaccination.

  • Student Declarations Prior to beginning clinical internship, the student must have on file the following signed statements/verifications: • Statement of confidentiality of patient records.• Verification of negative Tuberculosis test, or negative results of chest x-rays for positive tests without active TB.

  • This Service Plan does not include the Tuberculosis test (also called a PPD or Mantoux, and similar to a Tine test).

More Definitions of Tuberculosis test

Tuberculosis test means either of the following: (a) A two-step Mantoux tuberculin skin test;
Tuberculosis test means any laboratory or intradermal test or series of tests approved to diagnose tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis test means either the Man- toux skin test or an interferon gamma release assay (IGRA).
Tuberculosis test means a Mantoux skin test, Quantiferon Gold blood test, or other test approved by the Delaware Division of Public Health. APPENDIX A - District Requirements (continued) “Verification” means a documented evaluation of the individual’s disease status.
Tuberculosis test means either of the following: 59
Tuberculosis test means either of the following: 42

Related to Tuberculosis test

  • DNS test Means one non-­‐recursive DNS query sent to a particular “IP address” (via UDP or TCP). If DNSSEC is offered in the queried DNS zone, for a query to be considered answered, the signatures must be positively verified against a corresponding DS record published in the parent zone or, if the parent is not signed, against a statically configured Trust Anchor. The answer to the query must contain the corresponding information from the Registry System, otherwise the query will be considered unanswered. A query with a “DNS resolution RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR, will be considered unanswered. The possible results to a DNS test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “DNS resolution RTT” or, undefined/unanswered.

  • Drug test means a test designed to detect the illegal use of a controlled substance.

  • RDDS test Means one query sent to a particular “IP address” of one of the servers of one of the RDDS services. Queries shall be about existing objects in the Registry System and the responses must contain the corresponding information otherwise the query will be considered unanswered. Queries with an RTT 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. The possible results to an RDDS test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the RTT or undefined/unanswered.

  • COVID-19 test means a viral test for SARS-CoV-2 that is:

  • Screening Test means a drug or alcohol test which uses a method of analysis allowed by the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act to be used for such purposes.

  • EPP test Means one EPP command sent to a particular “IP address” for one of the EPP servers. Query and transform commands, with the exception of “create”, shall be about existing objects in the Registry System. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. The possible results to an EPP test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “EPP command RTT” or undefined/unanswered.

  • Genetic test means an analysis of human DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, or metabolites, that detect genotypes, mutations, or chromosomal changes. The term “genetic test” does not mean an analysis of proteins or metabolites that does not detect genotypes, mutations, or chromosomal changes; or an analysis of proteins or metabolites that is directly related to a manifested disease, disorder, or pathological condition that could reasonably be detected by a health care professional with appropriate training and expertise in the field of medicine involved.

  • muscular dystrophy means a group of hereditary genetic muscle disease that weakens the muscles that move the human body and persons with multiple dystrophy have incorrect and missing information in their genes, which prevents them from making the proteins they need for healthy muscles. It is characterised by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue;

  • Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by

  • Percolation test means a subsurface soil test at the depth of a proposed absorption system or similar component of an OWTS to determine the water absorption capability of the soil, the results of which are normally expressed as the rate at which one inch of water is absorbed. The rate is expressed in minutes per inch.

  • COVID-19 symptoms means fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, unless a licensed health care professional determines the person’s symptoms were caused by a known condition other than COVID-19.

  • Genetic testing means an analysis of genetic markers to exclude or identify a man as the father or a woman as the mother of a child. The term includes an analysis of one or a combination of the following:

  • Visual impairment including blindness means an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a student's educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.

  • Wild animal means any mammal, bird, fish, or other creature of a wild nature endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion.

  • Opioid antagonist means a drug that binds to opioid

  • Commissioning test means tests applied to a distributed generation facility by the applicant after construction is completed to verify that the facility does not create adverse system impacts and performs to the submitted specifications. At a minimum, the scope of the commissioning tests performed shall include the commissioning test specified in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Standard 1547 Section 5.4 "Commissioning tests".

  • Corrosion inhibitor means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the interior surface of those materials.

  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or "CPR" means artificial ventilation or external

  • Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.

  • Embryo/fetus means the developing human organism from conception until the time of birth.

  • Treatability study means a study in which a hazardous waste is subjected to a treatment process to determine: (1) Whether the waste is amenable to the treatment process, (2) what pretreatment (if any) is required, (3) the optimal process conditions needed to achieve the desired treatment, (4) the efficiency of a treatment process for a specific waste or wastes, or (5) the characteristics and volumes of residuals from a particular treatment process. Also included in this definition for the purpose of the § 261.4 (e) and (f) exemptions are liner compatibility, corrosion, and other material compatibility studies and toxicological and health effects studies. A “treatability study” is not a means to commercially treat or dispose of hazardous waste.

  • Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.

  • Electrostatic spray means a method of applying a spray coating in which opposite electric charges are applied to the substrate and the coating. The coating is attracted to the substrate by the electrostatic potential between them.

  • Fit test means the use of a protocol to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate the fit of a respirator on an individual.

  • Pump spray means a packaging system in which the product ingredients within the container are not under pressure and in which the product is expelled only while a pumping action is applied to a button, trigger or other actuator.

  • Methamphetamine means methamphetamine, any salt, isomer, or salt of an isomer of methamphetamine, or any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing methamphetamine or any salt, isomer, or salt of an isomer of methamphetamine.