DNS test definition
Examples of DNS test in a sentence
The integration tests use Deckard, the DNS test harness.$ make check-integration Note that the daemon and modules must be installed first before running integration tests, the reason is that the daemon is otherwise unable to find and load modules.Read the documentation for more information about requirements, how to run it and extend it.
Creep behavior in interlaminar shear of the Hi-Nicalon™/SiC-B4C composite was studied at 1200◦C in laboratory air and in steam using DNS test specimens.
AKOS has a tool for monitoring speed and some other QoS parameters (delay, latency, some net neutrality parameters: HTTP test, proxy test, DNS test, VoIP test, trace route test, NDT test)15.In 2016, AKOS commenced an awareness-raising project aimed at protecting end-users and minimising disputes between them and operators.
If no buckling occurs, the DNS test setup is much easier to use and it provides a clear Mode II interlaminar shear load to the interface.
The DNS test finds any kind of phishing attack or the hidden intentions of attacker.
Fuji will guarantee to the Lessor the monthly Rent (as defined herein) payments to be made by a Lessee under a Lease.
The DNS test will helps in quantifying the amount of xylan converted into xylose which is the reducing sugar by the xylanase produced by the bacteria.
The tests include DNS test, IP address test, URL encode test, shorted URL test, whitelist and blacklist test and URL pattern matching test.
The integration tests use Deckard, the DNS test harness.$ make check-integrationNote that the daemon and modules must be installed first before running integration tests, the reason is that the daemon is otherwise unable to find and load modules.Read the documentation for more information about requirements, how to run it and extend it.
The registered office is 3 Spital Yard, Spital Square, London, E1 6AQ.