Examples of Tynwald Day in a sentence
The top twenty were then offered recording sessions at Manx Radio and the songs broadcast on-air on Tynwald Day 2014 in a three hour special hosted by Judith Ley and Marc Tyley.
However, it is important to bear in mind that when we talk about a commitment to deliver a certain quota ofspeech radio, these are minimum quotas and most weeks our programming is significantly augmented with, TT, S100, TT Classic and MGP commentaries, Tynwald coverage, House of Keys Question Time, The Guild, major events such as the Parish Walk, Royal Show, Tynwald Day, etc and major sporting events such as the Island Games and Commonwealth Games.
Clause 3 – ExpiryThis provides that the Bill will expire on the day after its promulgation on Tynwald Day, if all of its provisions are by then in operation, or otherwise on the day after the last provision is brought into operation.
Stephen Rodan MLC for hosting the participants at the Tynwald Day evening celebrations at the House of Manannan.
Finally, in demanding a cogent argument for atemporal causation, Grünbaum seems to have forgotten who bears the burden of proof here: it is he who, in response to the creationist demand for a cause of the origin of the universe, asserts that such a demand expresses a pseudo- problem because it is incoherent to ask for an external, prior cause of the Big Bang.
A Member of the Department for Enterprise (Mr Callister) to move – That Tynwald approves that the Manx Museum be open to visitors every day, but closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Tynwald Day, New Year’s Day and such other occasional days as directed by the Trust; that the usual opening hours shall be at variable times between 8 am and 10 pm as the Director shall set; and that the Director may set exceptional opening times outside those hours.
Easter, Tynwald Day, Hop Tu Naa, Remembrance Day and Christmas are all occasions where we have the opportunity to produce special, one off programming that no other Island provider can.
Mr Quine to move - That Tynwald appoint a Select Committee of three Members to consider and report on the Petition for Redress of Grievance of Albert Edward Ansfield and Geoffrey Sheard Sanders representing the Carrick Park Residents Association at Tynwald assembled at St John’s on Tynwald Day 2000.
Petition for Redress of Grievance of Michael John Leather - Motion made – That a committee of three Members be appointed with powers to take written and oral evidence pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of the Tynwald Proceedings Act 1876, as amended, to investigate and report on the Petition for Redress of Grievance of Michael John Leather presented at Tynwald Day 2006.Mr KarranCourt divided.
No member wished to attend the Tynwald Day ceremony from the Grandstand.