Tyre class definition
Examples of Tyre class in a sentence
Table 4: Fuel savings potential of energy-efficient A-label tyres in the RWS fleet Tyre class Vehicle category Driving PatternFuel savings potential(summer)Fuel savings potential(winter)Fuel savings potential(average) [%] urban / [%] highway[%][%][%] C1 Since the RWS fleet already has a large share of B-label summer tyres, the savings potential is lower than on average in the Netherlands.
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VerificationThe tenderer may be asked to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the criteria above.GC6Rolling resistance from vehicle tyres This component receives a higher rating if the rolling resistance (of both new and retreaded tyres) expressed in kg/tonne, in accordance with ISO 28580 or equivalent, does not exceed the following threshold values: Tyre class Max.
This corresponds to one “sound wave” on the EU tyre label.b. Rolling resistanceThe rolling resistance (for both new and retreated tyres), expressed in kg/tonne, may not exceed the threshold values given below, in accordance with ISO 28580 or equivalent: Tyre class Max.
Rolling resistanceThe rolling resistance (for both new and retreaded tyres), expressed in kg/tonne, may not exceed the threshold values given below, in accordance with ISO 28580 or equivalent: Tyre class Max.
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Table 9: Fuel savings potential, annual fuel savings, cost savings and CO2 reduction of correct tyre pressure maintenance Tyre class Vehicle categoryFuel savings potential(average)Annual fuel savingsAnnual cost savingsAnnual CO2reduction [][%][l][€][tCO2] C1Passenger cars (petrol)1.5%9,00015,90021Passenger cars (diesel)1.5%17,40026,00045Service delivery (diesel)0%000 TOTAL26,40041,90066 The largest savings can be achieved for diesel cars.