UCITS definition

UCITS means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities established pursuant to the UCITS Regulations;
UCITS means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities within the meaning of the Regulations.
UCITS means an undertaking the sole object of which is the collective investment in Transferable Securities and/or other liquid financial assets permitted under the UCITS Regulations of capital raised from the public and which operates on the principle of risk-spreading and the units/shares of which are at request of the holders repurchased or redeemed directly or indirectly out of those undertakings’ assets. Action taken by a UCITS to ensure that the stock exchange value of its units/shares does not vary significantly from their net asset value shall be regarded as equivalent to such repurchase or redemption. Other liquid financial assets include cash deposits, financial derivative instruments, other Collective Investment Schemes and Money Market Instruments;

Examples of UCITS in a sentence

  • The UCITSDocumentation and the Key Investor Information Documenst, together with the most recent annual and sem-iannual reports, are available, free of charge, in permanent data carrier format from the Management Company, the Depositary, the paying agentsfor the UCITS and all other authorized distributors for the Sub-Funds in Liechtenstein and abroad, as well as on the website of the LAFV at xxx.xxxx.xx .

  • In particular, the Management Companyis entitled to buy, sell, subscribe or exchange securities and other assets and to exercise any and all rights associated, either directly or indirecwtlyit,h the assetsof the Sub- Fundsof the UCITS.

  • It is considered that the policies adopted by the Asset Manager to assess and mitigate Sustainability Risks may mitigate such risks to the UCITS.

  • The Management Companyhas, to the largest possible extent, any and arllights to perform, in its own name but for the account of the UCITS, any and all administrative and management measures and actions.

  • Further information regarding the UCITS and/or the Sub-Funds is also available at xxx.xxxxx.xxx/xx/xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx or from the registered offices of the Management Companyand the Depositary.

More Definitions of UCITS

UCITS means an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities established pursuant to EC Council Directive 2009/65/EC of 13 July 2009 as amended, consolidated or substituted from time to time.
UCITS means an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities under the UCITS Directive;
UCITS means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities established pursuant to the Regulations or, in the case of UCITS established in a Member State other than Ireland, the Directive;
UCITS means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities authorised in accordance with Article 5 of Directive 2009/65/EC.
UCITS means an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities established pursuant to EC Council Directive 85/611/EEC of 20 December 1985 as amended, consolidated or substituted from time to time.
UCITS means undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities.
UCITS means an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities, as defined in the Regulations;