Examples of UK legislation in a sentence
Status: EU Directives are being published on this site to aid cross referencing from UK legislation.
As a result of UK legislation, the Company may be required to obtain confirmation of certain information from shareholders and (where applicable) their beneficial owners, such as where you are resident for tax purposes, your tax identification number, and your place and date of birth, and your tax status classification and place of incorporation if you are a corporate body.
Under current UK legislation it is the responsibility of a supplier to assess its VAT liability for the supply of services.
If you are domiciled in a country other than the UK, the law or regulations in your country of domicile may take precedence over any relevant UK legislation.
The requirement to collect certain information about each customer’s tax arrangement is part of the UK legislation and as a financial services company we are legally obliged to collect it.
Also, modern slavery encompasses human trafficking, as defined in the UN Palermo Protocol and the Council of Europe Convention and as made illegal in UK legislation under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has a much broader approach that may be of interest and reference although the focus of the Impact Assessment is the UK legislation, linked below.
If it is being used to secure a high-value application, more of the software should run on the Authenticator.
Skillsfirst is committed to giving everyone who wants to gain one of our qualifications an equal opportunity of achieving it in line with current UK legislation and EU directives including the Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Order 2012 and to ensure this occurs, has in place a policy on equality and accessibility which can be found on our website www.skillsfirst.co.uk and within our centre handbook.
Take down policyThe University of Edinburgh has made every reasonable effort to ensure that Edinburgh Research Explorer content complies with UK legislation.