Examples of Unconfined compressive strength in a sentence
Unit weight test -Porosity test -Unconfined compressive strength test -Specific gravity test -Petrography test - Direct shear test - Tri axial shear test - Point Load test -Los Angles abrasion test -Tri axial compressive strength test -Impact test -Crushing value test -Unified compressive strength test -Water content test -Alkali reactivity test -Etc.
Unconfined compressive strength testing will also be performed on the rock cores.
Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and tensile strength (T) are the most important parameters derived by these tests.
Unconfined compressive strength: minimum 75 psi and maximum 150 psi at 56 days as determined based on an average of three tests for same placement.
It is thus probable that erosion failures will occur if lower cement contents are used or if compaction requirements are not met.• Unconfined compressive strength.
Moisture content Unit weight Atterberg limits Percent finer than No. 200 Sieve Unconfined compressive strength Our laboratory testing program includes examination of soil samples by an engineer.
Unconfined compressive strength testing was completed on clay samples taken within the proposed trunk sewer alignment.
Unconfined compressive strength is the most commonly used strength parameter for S/S treatability studies.
This database is summarized in Table 3.2. The drilled shaft load test database includes the following:• Data from Osterberg load tests and conventional top-loaded drilled shaft load tests.• Drilled shafts embedded in weak shales, claystones, and mudstones.• Unconfined compressive strength of weak rocks, at or two shaft diameters below the tip, between 10 to 100 ksf.• Drilled shaft diameters ranged from 12 to 96 in.
Unconfined compressive strength values were not reported and had to be estimated for some cases.