Union subsidiary definition
Examples of Union subsidiary in a sentence
First Data’s Payment Services unit, by its Western Union subsidiary; Western Union has a 75 percent share of the worldwide remittance market, a market in which the average remittance fee is 7 percent of the amount of money transmitted.14 The bill payment market is dominated by CheckFree Corporation.
In the European Union, subsidiary protection is a similar concept to humanitarian protection (as granted in the UK); other regions may also have defined their own protection routes outside of the Refugee Convention.
In addition, under Solvency II, it is possible that the U.S. parent of a European Union subsidiary could be subject to certain Solvency II requirements if the regulator determines that the subsidiary’s capital position is dependent on the parent company and the U.S. parent is not already subject to regulations deemed ‘‘equivalent’’ to Solvency II.
If the resolution authority considers such resolution strategy to be credible and feasible, it may appropriately reflect that resolution strategy and its possible consequences for the Union subsidiary undertaking concerned in its resolution plan.
The building of teacher s' National Union, subsidiary Cotopaxi was the first administrative office, then the building of Luis Fernando Ruiz High School took in the university students, after that Simon Rodrigues Agricultural Institute was the place where academic activities were developed and finally, the building which would be destined to be Social Rehabilitation Center, nowadays is the university home.
Panhandle and five of its subsidiaries, as well as the Southern Union subsidiary that became Panhandle's direct parent upon the acquisition, converted from Delaware corporations to Delaware limited liability companies in June 2003.
This reporting undertaking must be one of the Union subsidiary undertakings of the group that generated the greatest turnover in the Union 43 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1989 of 6 November 2020 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 as regards the 2020 update of the taxonomy laid down in the regulatory technical standards for the single electronic reporting format (OJ L 429, 18.12.2020, p.
KC Swallow commented that this article is always on the warrant, but the rules of the meeting say that nothing can come before the meeting that isnot in the warrant.
Without the Banking Union, subsidiary banks belonging to the same banking group, but operating in different countries would be under the supervision of different national supervisory authorities.
The resolution authority concerned shall decide whether to recognise and enforce, except as provided for in Article 74, third-country resolution proceedings relating to a Union subsidiary undertaking or a Union branch of a third-country ▌ undertaking or a parent undertaking.