Union vessel definition
Examples of Union vessel in a sentence
Without prejudice to the competence of the Flag State and the obligations of Union vessels towards their Flag State Fishing Monitoring Centre, each Union vessel shall comply with the FFA Vessel Monitoring System (FFA VMS) currently applicable in the Cook Islands' fishing areas.
Any Union vessel which plans to land or tranship in a Cabo Verdean port may be represented by an agent resident in Cabo Verde.
Without prejudice to the competence of the flag Member State and the obligations of Union vessels towards their flag Member State, each Union vessel shall comply with the FFA Vessel Monitoring System (FFA VMS) currently applicable in the fishing areas.
For a Union vessel to be eligible to obtain a fishing licence, neither the owner, the master nor the vessel itself must be prohibited from fishing in Kiribati waters.
A successful example is the liaison between the NGO Tortuguias and the Banistmo bank which supports the conservation project at Cambutal beach.
Inspection at sea in the Cabo Verdean fishing zone, or in port, of Union vessels holding a fishing authorisation shall be carried out by vessels and inspectors from Cabo Verde who are clearly identified as being assigned to carry out fishing checks.Before going on board, the Cabo Verdean inspectors shall inform the Union vessel of their decision to carry out an inspection.
The Cabo Verdean inspectors shall give a copy of the inspection report to the master of the Union vessel before leaving the vessel.
Where permitted under the Cabo Verdean legislation in force regarding the infringement, any Union vessel having committed an infringement may be forced to cease its fishing activity and, where the vessel is at sea, to return to a Cabo Verdean port.Cabo Verde shall notify the Union within one working day of any detention of a Union vessel holding a fishing authorisation.
They shall carry out the inspection in a way which minimises the impact on the vessel, its fishing activity and cargo.Cabo Verde may authorise the Union to participate in the inspection at sea as an observer.The master of the Union vessel shall allow the Cabo Verdean inspectors to come on board and carry out their work.At the end of each inspection, the Cabo Verdean inspectors shall draw up an inspection report.
The inspection shall be carried out by a maximum of two inspectors, who must provide proof of their identity and official position as an inspector before carrying out the inspection.The Cabo Verdean inspectors shall only stay on board the Union vessel for the time necessary to carry out tasks linked to the inspection.