Unit heater definition
Examples of Unit heater in a sentence
Unit heater shall be provided with removable service panels which allow access to all internal components requiring cleaning, servicing, or adjustment.
Some of those processes include providing emergency steam to the riser, which clears it of HHCs; injecting steam into the FCCU process to drive high-end products out of the crude oil, also known as steam-stripping; purging low-lying gases in the firebox of the Alky Unit heater during start-up; powering turbines to pump product; and serving as a back-up to the electric pumps.
Provide manufacturer's standard, self-contained, indirect, [oil] [gas]-fired, unit heater conforming to ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2.6. Unit heater and components shall be completely factory-assembled and shall consist of a [aluminized] [stainless] steel heat exchanger; burner; fan, a sheet metal cabinet-type casing and all required operating, limit, and safety controls.
A number of other existing Refinery structures are in the same height range as the new ESP stack including the crude heater stack (230 feet tall), the hydrogen plant heater stack (250 feet tall), the Sulfur Recovery Unit heater stack (200 feet tall), the hydrogen plant heater SCR unit stack (250 feet tall), the coker flare (203 feet tall), the FFHDS flare (215 feet tall), the naphtha HDS flare (265 feet tall), and the sulfur recovery plant incinerator flare (200 feet tall).
PacifiCare agrees to notify DENTIST in writing of the nature and extent of such changes.