Examples of United Kingdom Courts in a sentence
General Saguy was told in his meeting that Israel should not make any move before its withdrawal from Sinai.
This guarantee may not, without our prior written consent, be transferred or assigned and this guarantee is limited to the payment of a sum of money.6. This guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom and is governed by the United Rule for Demand Guarantee(URDG) (ICC Publication No.758) and shall be subject to exclusive Jurisdiction of the United Kingdom Courts.
See also M Amos ‘The Dialogue between United Kingdom Courts and the European Court of Human Rights’ (2012) 61 ICLQ 557.
There were general statements in the reports which could be used as pointers either way, but nothing conclusive.35At the present time, the United Kingdom Courts undoubtedly still regard Harrods as being the leading, and binding, judicial statement on the relationship between the Brussels Convention and the doctrine of forum non conveniens.
Interpreting the ratio in light of the facts of the case, the United Kingdom Courts may be cautious in regarding the decision as being a complete and authoritative statement on when the Brussels Convention applies.
The 90 days do not need to be consecutive days.This test relies principally on the meaning of a place of abode; a term that is not defined in the Income Tax Ordinance but considered on many occasions by United Kingdom Courts.
This Contract shall be governed by the Law of England & Wales and the Supplier and Hirer hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the United Kingdom Courts.
These projects have provided habitat for fish and wildlife including birds.
In part this was because the British House of Commons had only a few years earlier (in 1868) allowed jurisdiction for the trial of disputed elections to be transferred to the United Kingdom Courts.
In France, Belgium and the United Kingdom, Courts use the concept of “loss of chance” to allow compensation when the statutory auditor’s fault contributed only in part to the injury; damages are decreased on a prorata basis of the probability that the injury would not have occurred had the statutory auditor committed no fault.