Examples of United States territorial sea in a sentence
However, these employees may not havecontact with youth or confidential youth records until the screening is completed, the rating is eligible, and the employee does not demonstrate he or she exhibits any behaviors which warrant the denial or termination of employment.
The coastal nation also has jurisdiction in the EEZ over artificial islands or other installations and structures having economic purposes, as well as the protection and preservation of the marine environment.29 coast of the United States; this is considered to be the first statutory assertion of a United States territorial sea, the assertion being implicit in the wording of the statute.
The regulations also require that the inland boundary must be presented in a manner that is clear and exact enough to permit determination of whether a property or an activity is located within the management area and that seaward boundaries are established as the three mile outer limit of the United States territorial sea.
Also termed state marine waters, they are defined as all waters of the state, including the water column, water surface, and submerged lands, extending from the upper reaches of the wash of the waves on shore seaward to the limit of the state’s police power and management authority, including the United States territorial sea, notwithstanding any law to the contrary (Chapter 190 D, HRS).
In Hawaii, the Coastal Zone Management Area (Coastal Zone) is defined as all marine waters extending from the upper reaches of the wash of the waves on the shore seaward to the limit of the state's police power and management authority, including the United State's territorial sea and all land areas, excluding those lands designated as state forest reserves.
Seaward Boundary The seaward boundary of the coastal area for purposes of this program is the outer limit of the United States territorial sea.
The seaward boundary of the Coastal Zone is the outer limit of the United States territorial sea.
The zone extends, in Great Lakes waters, to the international boundary between the United States and Canada and, in other areas, seaward to the outer lim it of the United States territorial sea.
Discharge of oil and oily substances by foreign ships or domestic ships operating or capable of operating beyond the United States territorial sea is governed by MARPOL Annex I.MARPOL Annex II governs the discharge at sea of noxious liquid substances primarily derived from tank cleaning and deballasting.
OPA affects all owners and operators whose vessels trade in the United States, its territories and possessions or whose vessels operate in United States waters, which includes the United States' territorial sea and its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone.