Unsecured Bonds definition
Examples of Unsecured Bonds in a sentence
Specific factors may influence the ability of the Guarantor to meet its liabilities outstanding in respect of the Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds issued under the Programme.
Any decision to invest in the Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds should be based on a consideration of the Base Prospectus as a whole by the investor, including the information incorporated by reference into the Base Prospectus.
The Company anticipates raising a maximum of $40 million of Series A Preferred Membership Interests (the “Series A Units”) and a maximum of $35 million of Series A Unsecured Bonds (the “A Bonds”) and Series Ra Unsecured Bonds (the “Ra Bonds,” collectively the “Bonds”) pursuant to an exemption from registration under Regulation A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Specific factors may influence the ability of the Issuer to meet its liabilities outstanding in respect of the Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds issued under the Programme.
The Base Prospectus is comprised of several base prospectuses prepared according to Section 27(5) of the Capital Market Act and Article 8 of the Prospectus Regulation, based on which, as part of the Programme the Issuer seeks to place on the market, publicly or privately as the case may be, Exchange Traded Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds, Public Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds, and Private Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds.
The Programme has been designed for the Issuer to raise funds periodically through the placement of Mortgage Bonds and Unsecured Bonds.
Jones, Unsecured Bonds: The As Effective and Most Efficient Pretrial Release Option (PJI 2013).122 See Marie VanNostrand, Assessing Risk Among Pretrial Defendants In Virginia: The Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument (Va. Dept.
As of June 30, 2023, the Company has raised $9.62 million of Series A Preferred Membership Interests (the “Series A Units”), $17.77 million of Series A Unsecured Bonds (the “A Bonds”) and $0.16 million of Series Ra Unsecured Bonds (the “Ra Bonds”, collectively the “Bonds”).
The Member hereby makes a capital contribution to the Company of $210,000,000 principal amount of Fixed Rate Unsecured Bonds Due 2016 of Momentive Performance Materials Japan LLC (f/k/a Momentive Performance Materials Japan Godo Kaisha).
As described in greater detail below, the NADL entities are direct obligors under approximately $1.5 billion of the Consolidated Entities’ funded-debt obligations, including approximately$908 million under one of the Bank Facilities (which is guaranteed by Seadrill Limited) and approximately$579 million in NADL-issued Unsecured Bonds (approximately $166 million of which is guaranteed by Seadrill Limited).