Examples of Serial Bonds in a sentence
Resolved, that the Irvington Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda as presented, with the exception of items 11.8 (2013 School District Refunding Serial Bonds - $9,500,000), 8.12 (Admission of Non-resident Students red-line) and 11.11 (Tax Certiorari Settlement-Immaculate Conception) which have been tabled.
All moneys in the Principal Account shall be used and withdrawn by the Trustee solely for the purpose of paying the principal of the Serial Bonds and the Term Bonds, including by mandatory sinking account redemption, as the same shall become due and payable.
Any excess realized or loss sustained will be reflected in question 13.2.• Obligations Issued – Serial Bonds – par value of serial bonds sold.• Installment Bonds – par value of installment bonds sold.• Bond Anticipation Notes – the amount of notes issued in anticipation of the sale of bonds.• Capital Notes – par value of capital notes sold.• Revenue Anticipation Notes – amount of note issued on revenue anticipation.
TYPES OF OBLIGATIONSGeneral ObligationsUnder Massachusetts statutes, the City of Cambridge is authorized to issue general obligation indebtedness of these types: Serial Bonds and NotesThese are generally required to be payable in equal or diminishing annual principal amounts begin- ning no later than the end of the next fiscal year commencing after the date of issue and ending within the terms permitted by law.
The unexpended bond proceeds of the District’s Serial Bonds are classified as restricted with the Water District Funds because their use is completely restricted to the purpose for which the bonds were originally issued.