Unstable soil definition
Examples of Unstable soil in a sentence
Unstable soil conditions during or after completion of the proposal?☐☒☐☐d.
Unstable soil or other excavated material shall be disposed of off site as directed by the Planning Board or its agent.
Unstable soil includes but is not necessarily limited to areas identified as containing organic soils or sensitive marine clays (Leda clay).
Lintels may be used in place of continuous footings when there is a change in footing elevation.Note: Unstable soil includes soils which are unable to support themselves.
Activities proposed within unstable soil and unstable bedrock hazardous lands must therefore meet the definition of “development” in the Conservation Authorities Act to be regulated.5.2.1 Unstable Soil Unstable soil includes but is not necessarily limited to areas identified as containing sensitive marine clays (e.g. leda clays) or organic soils (MNR & CO, 2005).