Examples of Urban Lot in a sentence
Accordingly, the Developer is offering to make a cash contribution to Council as shown in Item 77 of Schedule 2 of the Planning Agreement, being an amount of $2,743.00 per hectare and is payable prior to the issue of a Subdivision Certificate for each Urban Lot.
The monetary contribution must be made to Council prior to the issue of a subdivision certificate for an Urban Lot.
The Schedules states that: one double sporting field and associated works is required to be contributed before the issue of a Subdivision Certificate for the 2,000th Urban Lot and the remaining playing fields and amenities before the issue of a Subdivision Certificate for the 2,500th Urban Lot; and the Community Centre must be delivered before the issue of a Subdivision Certificate for the 3,000th Urban Lot.
On or prior to the issue of the first subdivision certificate that creates the first Urban Lot within the area the subject of the Concept Plan Approval.
Facility Construction of a multi- purpose community centre in the location as identified on the Contribution Location Plan Capped at $3,397,829 Before the issue of the Subdivision Certificate for the 3000th Urban Lot.