Utensil definition
Examples of Utensil in a sentence
Utensil handles must be of sufficient length to prevent bare hand contact with ready to eat potentially hazardous food.
Pot, Pan, and Utensil (PPU): A stationary rack, door type machine designed to clean and sanitize pots, pans, and kitchen utensils.
Utensil washing station (*Required only for facilities serving unpackaged foods).
Ceramic, china and crystal utensils, and decorative utensils, including, without limitation, hand-painted ceramic or china that are used in contact with food, must be lead-free or contain levels of lead not exceeding the limits of the following utensil categories: Utensil Category 2.
Facilities shall comply with current requirements of the Rules of Alabama State Board of Health for Food Establishment Sanitation, Alabama Administrative Code Chapter 420-3-22-.15 “Equipment and Utensil Cleaning and Sanitation,” and Chapter 420-3-22-.16, “Equipment and Utensil Storage.” (8) Sprinkler Systems.