Toilet means a disposal apparatus used for urination and defecation, fitted with a seat and flushing device.
Toilet means a facility for urinating and defecating which is water flushed, and which connects, directly or otherwise, with a private sewage disposal system or with the public sewage disposal system;
Toilet means a room containing at least one water closet.
Examples of Toilet in a sentence
Toilet facilities shall be handicapped accessible and shall be in compliance with the North Carolina State Building Code and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Toilet tissue and paper hand towels shall be provided at all times.
All terms, conditions, specifications, and attachments contained in the Portable Toilet and Handwash Station Agreement are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall provide privacy and shall not constitute the only passageway to a hall or other space, or to the exterior.
Caretaker/Security Gate Goomty, Toilet for Driver/Security (subject to Sanction).
More Definitions of Toilet
Toilet means a disposal apparatus used for urination and defe- cation fitted with a seat and flushing device.
Toilet means a fixture fitted with a seat and flushing de- vice used to dispose of bodily waste.
Toilet means the hopper device for the deposit and discharge of human excreta into a water carriage system.
Toilet means a water closet.
Toilet means a space for personal ablution which includes at least one urinal and/or W.C (water closet).
Toilet means a water closet, earth closet, privy or urinal and includes a room or cubicle in which one or more of these is located;
Toilet means a sanitary fixture meeting Health Authority and plumbing code requirements for receipt and conveyance of human body wastes to a public or community sewerage system or an onsite sewage management system.