Examples of Variable Resource in a sentence
Where the supply curve consists only of Sell Offers located entirely below the Variable Resource Requirement Curve and Sell Offers located entirely above the Variable Resource Requirement Curve, the auction shall clear at the price-capacity point on the Variable Resource Requirement Curve corresponding to the total Unforced Capacity provided by all Sell Offers located entirely below the Variable Resource Requirement Curve.
The Office of the Interconnection shall determine Variable Resource Requirement Curves for the PJM Region and for such Locational Deliverability Areas as determined appropriate in accordance with subsection (a)(iii) for such Delivery Year to establish the level of Capacity Resources that will provide an acceptable level of reliability consistent with the Reliability Principles and Standards.
Where the supply curve formed by the Sell Offers submitted in an auction falls entirely below the Variable Resource Requirement Curve, the auction shall clear at the price-capacity point on the Variable Resource Requirement Curve corresponding to the total Unforced Capacity provided by all such Sell Offers.
For any auction, the Updated Forecast Peak Load, and Short-Term Resource Procurement Target applicable to such auction, shall be used, and Price Responsive Demand from any applicable approved PRD Plan, including any associated PRD Reservation Prices, shall be reflected in the derivation of the Variable Resource Requirement Curves, in accordance with the methodology specified in the PJM Manuals.
State-Subsidized Resources that are able to reduce their unforeseen contingency costs below the level of the adders proposed by PJM can apply for the Resource-Specific Exception.Further, the Commission has already accepted the use of these adders in the gross CONE value used to set the Variable Resource Requirement (VRR) Curve.
Newell and Dr. Kathleen Spees on Behalf of PJM Interconnection, LLC Regarding Periodic Review of Variable Resource Requirement Curve Shape and Key Parameters,” September 25, 2014.
Newell and Dr. Kathleen Spees on Behalf of PJM Interconnection, LLC Regarding Variable Resource Requirement Curve,” for use in PJM’s capacity market, November 5, 2014.
It is recognized that the variable resource requirement reflected in the Variable Resource Requirement Curve can result in an optimized auction clearing in which the level of Capacity Resources committed for a Delivery Year exceeds the PJM Region Reliability Requirement (less the Forecast RTO ILR Obligation) or Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement (less the Forecast Zonal ILR Obligation for the Zones associated with such LDA) for such Delivery Year.
To address capacity obligation quantity uncertainty associated with the Variable Resource Requirement Curve, a Load Serving Entity may submit a Sell Offer with a contingent designation of a portion of its Capacity Resources as either Self-Supply (to the extent required to meet a portion (as specified by the LSE) of the LSE’s peak load forecast in each transmission zone) or as subject to an offer price (to the extent not so required), in accordance with the PJM Manuals.
For each Base Residual Auction, the optimization algorithm shall consider: • all Sell Offers submitted in such auction; • the Variable Resource Requirement Curves for the PJM Region and each LDA; • any constraints resulting from the Locational Deliverability Requirement; • the PJM Region Reliability Requirement, minus the Forecast RTO ILR Obligation.