Examples of Victim of crime in a sentence
Victim of crime You must report the circumstances of any claim you make as a result of you being a victim of crime to police within seven days of discovering the incident and fully co-operate with all resulting police enquiries and prosecution of offenders.
Circumstances:Risk Factors - Recent Behaviour or incidents that have occurred leading up to being missing Victim of crime or bullying, problems with school/college, bereavement/life changing events.
Victim of crime clients often present with a multitude of high care needs including but not limited to, housing instability or homelessness, histories of repeated victimization, mental health issues, substance abuse issues, and prior justice involvement.
Providing supporting documentation is compulsory if the student selects Medical, Elite athlete or Victim of crime as the reason for their application.
Provide the employee with Attachment B or Attachment C, Victim of crime or abuses of Domestic Violence Leave Notice.
Victim of crime- theft of money, wallet, or other item which caused a lapse in payments and/or required funds to replace or repair a damaged belonging.
Notify employees of their rights under the law by providing the Victim of crime or abuses of Domestic Violence Leave Notice to new employees upon hire and to all employees upon request.
Injured party or victim of the criminal action is any natural or legal person to whom any good or right was violated or destroyed by criminal proceeding.241 Victim of crime in criminal proceedings is further the object.
The immediate risks associated with going missing include: • No means of support or legitimate income which could lead to high risk activities;• Targeted to be involved in criminal activities including gang crime;• Victim of Abuse;• Victim of crime, e.g. sexual assault /exploitation or through gang activities;• Risk of trafficking;• Alcohol/substance misuse;• Deterioration of physical and mental health;• Missing out on schooling and education;• Increased vulnerability.
The Victim of crime may suffer from Post-traumatic stress disorders.