Examples of Dependent adult abuse in a sentence
WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE15630-15637 Dependent adult abuse reporting CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 54650 Filing complaints with CDE, special education students UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 4211434a McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act; definitions COURT DECISIONSCamreta v.
A program staff member shall not be designated as attorney-in-fact, guardian, conservator, or representative payee for a tenant unless the program staff member is related to the tenant by blood, marriage, or adoption.67.9(6) Dependent adult abuse training.
Taylor has concerns that the current setup of the parking lot is not wheelchair accessible.
Amend renumbered rule 441—176.9(235B) as follows: 441—176.9(235B) Adult Dependent adult abuse information disseminated.176.9(1) Requests for information.
Dependent adult abuse proceedings are reviewed pursuant to chapter 17A.
If the central registry and local office files contain no information, the hiring authority shall be so in- formed.176.10(8) Dependent adult abuse information disseminated and redisseminated.
Dependent adult abuse reports that are rejected for evaluation, assessment, ordisposition for failure to meet the definition of dependent adult abuse shall be expunged three years from the rejection date.b. Dependent adult abuse information which is determined by a preponderance of the evidence to be unfounded shall be expunged five years from the date it is determined to be unfounded.
Funding is provided by Title VII of the federal Act as well as other funds which may be available for activities directed toward the prevention of abuse, neglect and exploitation of elders.[ARC 8489B, IAB 1/27/10, effective 1/7/10] 17—12.4(231,235B) Dependent adult abuse mandatory reporter training.