View Only definition
Examples of View Only in a sentence
View Only access is provided for three months and can be renewed once for a further three months’ period if admission to trading on EEX or membership of the EEX OTF has been applied for.
There is no charge for the permanent View Only Status itself, but the charges according to Sect.
EEX AG charges the following fees for this temporary View Only access: Trading participants can gain permanent View Only access to the trading systems of the EEX (including the EEX OTF).
Persons who are not trading participants can obtain temporary access to the trading systems of the EEX (including the EEX OTF) exclusively with read access and without the right to participate in trading (View Only).
Users will be assigned defined roles: Key Master, Add/Edit/Delete, Add/Edit/, Reports Only, View Only and Offline/Historical.
The options available are View Only, Transfer Funds In, Transfer Funds Out, or Transfer Funds In/Out.
The Customer and Farm Credit staff will determine which access level (View Only, Transacting, Business Access or Non-Borrower User) (collectively referred to as an “Access Level”) would work best for the customer and their needs, then use the appropriate enrollment form to get the customer signed up for access.
ETPA grants the Participant either Access Rights or View Only Access Rights to its market of ETPA Power for Spot, provided that the Participant meets the relevant requirements of the ETPA Rulebook.
Figure 10-5: MCO Representative (View Only) Example of a Screen with Links Some screens show information using a numerical code.
Figure 10-15: MCO Representative (View Only) Beneficiary Detail: Adjustments (M207)Screen for Selected Beneficiary Expanded for Specified Payment Month Finally, the user selects a particular adjustment by clicking on the month/year link in the Adjustment Date column, in this case, 07/2011, to display Figure 10-16.