Examples of Virginia Pesticide Control Act in a sentence
All employees who apply pesticides and herbicides will be required to obtain the appropriate applicators or technician certifications in accordance with the Virginia Pesticide Control Act.
The Awarded Bidder shall follow all label directions and requirements of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and associated regulations.
Consolidated 2013$’0002012$’000 Current - secured Bank overdraft463-Trade finance1-2,500Other Loans (a)6,50017,263Convertible Notes (b)6,6844,965Finance leases197157Current – un-secured Other loans1,039-Convertible Notes 2,750 2,345 17,63327,230Non-current – secured Finance leases 328 344 328344 (1) The facility is secured by purchased stock and by the assets of eco-Kinetics Pty Ltd.
Any City contractor or third-party will be required to have or obtain the appropriate applicators or technician certifications in accordance with the Virginia Pesticide Control Act as required through the City’s procurement of services.
The Awarded Bidder shall be responsible for safe mixing and storage of pesticides products in accordance with the label requirements and conforming to the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and associated regulations.
The Awarded Bidder shall follow all safety regulations prescribed by the EPA, OSHA, the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and associated regulations at all times.
An asterisk or double asterisk following a definition indicates that the definition has been taken from the Virginia Pesticide Control Act, Article 1 (§ 3.1-249.27 et seq.) or Article 4 (§ 3.1-249.59 et seq.), respectively, of Chapter 14.1 of Title 3.1 of the Code of Virginia.
All rinsate and wash water shall be disposed of by the Awarded Bidder in accordance with the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and associated regulations, the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label requirements.
The Awarded Bidder is also responsible for keeping pesticide application records in accordance with the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and associated regulations.
The matters of concern raised by Her Majesty’s Coroner relate to the lack of account from the treating medical registrar which impacted on the quality of the investigation.