Examples of Voucher holder in a sentence
If the Voucher was suspended because the Voucher holder submitted a RTA that is no longer valid, the Leasing Officer will use the Agency Determination Form to notify the Voucher holder in writing of the new Voucher expiration date.
A Voucher holder may receive assistance to lease a unit outside the St. Paul PHA’s jurisdiction, or in any jurisdiction in the United States that is administering a tenant-based program.§982.353a.
Although several housing agencies have been established within the various municipalities of Miami-Dade County, federal regulations allow the Voucher holder (also known as Housing Choice Voucher participant) to use the assistance anywhere there is a housing agency or authority implementing the Housing Choice Voucher program (see Chapter 18 on “Portability”).
Within the interest list and application, data shall be collected to determine if a prospective applicant was impacted by the disasters or is a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher holder.
The PHA may not permit a Voucher holder to lease a unit, which is receiving project-based assistance or any duplicative rental subsidies.
A Housing Choice Voucher holder shall be responsible for finding an existing housing unit suitable to the family's needs and desires in any area where the HRA determines that it is not legally barred from entering into contracts.
Both the owner, or the owner’s designee, and the Voucher holder must be present for the initial inspection.
The Housing Choice Voucher holder will be advised that an extension of the Housing Choice Voucher expiration date is not automatic and may be granted solely at the discretion of the DMMHA.
In cases where the family split is the result of having children and grandchildren in the home, the Voucher holder may request another Voucher for the mother and child(ren) in order for them to start living independently.
The family leaving must have been a permanent part of the family of the original Voucher holder, and not have joined the family within the past two years.