Examples of War emergency in a sentence
In the short term, the use of contractors to respond to Cold War emergency made sense; over the longer term, the axiom of official control would be challenged unless corrective action were taken.
All bonds of Series E, issued pur w hich case the investm ent yields w ill be lesscertain other post office officials, and8If bonds are issued w ithin the U nited States, deliveries thereof outside the Conti n en tal U nited States, at the risk and expense of the U nited States, m ay be suspended dur ing th e War emergency, bu t in any such case bonds will be delivered to addresses w ithin the U nited States, or w ill be held in safekeep ing as the purchaser m ay direct.
War emergency construction (housing war workers) : report of the United States Housing Corporation.
Appointments; Accounts; Allotment Work; Burial Ground at FMH; Cirencester; Fiends Service Council; Library; Monthly Meeting arrangements; Repairs to Meeting House; Spanish Relief; Trainees from depressed areas; War emergency Peace Committee.Mr. Creed reappointed as Shortwood burial ground caretaker and Mrs.
Located between these 3 wards is a concrete, prefabricated structure, constructed in 1939, as a 2nd World War emergency hospital and known locally as Whiteholme Youth and Community Centre.
Reflecting back on the Civil War experience, Wilson’s Treasury Secretary William McAdoo was well aware of the need to create a robust tax enforcement system.[90] Unlike the Civil War emergency, the 1913 income tax was adopted at a time of relative calm.
Comparison:On the basis of types of emergency:• India- National Emergency(Article 352) , State emergency/President’s rue (Article 356) and Financial emergency(Article 360).• USA- National and Financial emergency.• Canada- Public welfare emergency, Public order emergency, War emergency etc.