Waste Container definition
Examples of Waste Container in a sentence
Unless the District has reasonable grounds to believe that a Hauler, vehicle, Solid Waste, Waste Container, or Recycling Container is not in compliance with the terms of any applicable License, this Ordinance or any other ordinance or regulations adopted by the District, the District shall attempt to limit any inspection to no more than one hour.
Bulk Waste and White Goods generated from Multifamily Dwelling Units shall be placed at a location adjacent to their normal Solid Waste Container, in a Container specifically provided for such purpose, or at a location mutually determined by and acceptable to the Contractor and the customer.
However, the Contractor shall not be reimbursed for any anticipatory profits that have not been earned up to the date oftermination.
For the Residential Premises of the Mixed Use Buildings, Contractor shall provide no less than ninety-six (96) gallons per week of Solid Waste Container capacity for every five (5) Residential dwelling units.
Each Overage tag permits the Customer to set out one (1) thirty-two (32) gallon garbage bag of Solid Waste next to their Solid Waste Container on the Customer’s regularly scheduled collection day, for Collection by Contractor.