Water Management Plan definition

Water Management Plan means a plan for the development, management, protection and/or use of the water within a territorial area or groundwater aquifer, including the protection of the associated ecosystems;
Water Management Plan means a plan made by the Minister under part 3A, division 2.
Water Management Plan means the Keysbrook Mineral Sand Project Water Management Plan, prepared for Olympia Resources Ltd by MBS Environmental, May 2007, and referred to in Appendix 2 of EPA Report 1269.

Examples of Water Management Plan in a sentence

  • The Soil and Water Management Plan (SWMP) or Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) which has been approved by the Principal Certifying Authority must be implemented in full during the construction period.

  • Grading plans shall incorporate appropriate erosion control measures as provided in the El Dorado County Grading Ordinance and El Dorado County Storm Water Management Plan.

  • A detailed Storm Water Management Plan will be developed which will consider the sources of storm water.

  • The applicant shall provide a drainage report at time of improvement plans or grading permit application, consistent with the Drainage Manual and the Storm Water Management Plan, which addresses storm water runoff increase, impacts to downstream facilities and properties, and identification of appropriate storm water quality management practices to the satisfaction of the Department of Transportation.

  • A copy of the Soil and Water Management Plan must be kept on site at all times and made available to Council officers on request.

More Definitions of Water Management Plan

Water Management Plan means a plan developed pursuant to this Code to regulate, monitor or protect the Nation’s Water within an established Water Management Area.
Water Management Plan. ’ means the plan, ap-
Water Management Plan has the meaning indicated in Section E.2.2.1 of Schedule 18;
Water Management Plan means a plan proposed by the owner or operator of a golf course, soil-based playing field, and sand-based playing field operators and approved by the City of North Vancouver. The plan sets out terms such as water use targets during the different stages of the DWCP, restrictions to reduce water use, and reporting requirements for the owner or operator.
Water Management Plan means a plan approved by the General Manager Engineering pursuant to Part 4 of this Schedule. (BYLAW 14445)
Water Management Plan means the water management plan forming Document 8.6 Annex 3 of the CEMP and certified as the water management plan by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order; and
Water Management Plan means the water management plan to be prepared and implemented by KEPCO accordance with condition 30 of Schedule 4 of the Development Consent.