Examples of Water monitoring in a sentence
The functions and activities of the MENR are sub-divided into the following areas: (i) Environmental policy development; (ii) Environmental protection; (iii) Water monitoring and management; (iv) Protection of marine (Caspian Sea) bio- resources; (v) Forest management; and (vi) Bio-resources and protected areas management.
Water monitoring can be broadly categorized as either water quality or water quantity focused.
Each Supplier of Water monitoring annually or less frequently whose sample result exceeds an MCL, with the exception of nitrate, nitrite and perchlorate, must begin quarterly sampling.
Water monitoring samples must be collected at least monthly under adverse conditions during open periods.
D.1.a.(3) and D.1.e.The Redline clarifies that the Receiving Water monitoring described in these sections must be conducted as applicable to the WMA and the Copermittees' MS4 discharges, because some of the monitoring requirements only apply to MS4 discharges to certain waterbodies.
Water monitoring data is collected from sites within Mitchell Shire.
If, however, the District Court were correct in disregarding the Qwest precedent, then the appropriate test for identifying a such a private right of action would be that described in Cort v.
Miscellaneous Testing• I.A.P.A.L: The Irish Association of Public Analysts’ Laboratories; Fluoridation Committee (W.H.B.);Irish Mass Spectrometry Society; EURACHEM Ireland;Local Authority – Health Board: (Water monitoring); Irish Medicines Board: Liaison Meetings; The Laboratory hosted a team of East European Public Health Officials as part of a visit to view the Irish Food Control system.
Water monitoring was carried out on twelve occasions at FM1, FM2, FC1 and FC2.
The Permittees shall monitor for field parameters and Constituents of Concern at the Dry Weather Receiving Water monitoring location as shown in the Table L- 4 Dry Weather Receiving Water Monitoring Location.