Water quality standard definition
Examples of Water quality standard in a sentence
Water quality standard revision:In accordance with section 644.058, RSMo, the Department is required to utilize an evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of modifications to water quality standards of twenty-five percent or more when making individual site-specific permit decisions.
Water quality standard for nitrate in Class 1C waters is 10 mg/l.
Water quality standard revision:In accordance with section 644.058, RSMo, the Department is required to utilize an evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of modifications to water quality standards of twenty-five percent or more when making individual site-specific permit decisions.✓ This operating permit does not contain requirements for a water quality standard that has changed twenty-five percent or more since the previous operating permit.
Water quality standard (Guideline values) by WHO 1993; already described earlier.
Water quality standard variances require similar substantive and procedural requirements as removing a designated use, but unlike use removal, variances are both discharger and pollutant specific, are time-limited, and do not forego the currently designated use of a water body.