Designated uses definition

Designated uses means those uses specified in water quality standards for each water body or segment whether or not they are being attained.
Designated uses means those uses specified in the water quality standards at:
Designated uses means those uses specified in 18 AAC 70.020 as protected use classes for each waterbody or segment, regardless of whether those uses are being attained;

Examples of Designated uses in a sentence

  • Designated uses and surface water quality criteria .........................................

  • Designated uses: high quality coldwater aquatic life, irrigation, domestic water supply, primary contact, livestock watering and wildlife habitat.B. Criteria: The use-specific numeric criteria set forth in NMAC are applicable to the designated uses, except that the following segment-specific criteria apply: specific conductance 300 µS/cm or less; the monthly geometric mean of E.

  • Designated uses means those uses specified in 25 Pa. Code §§ 93.4(a) and 93.9a—93.9z for each water body or segment, whether or not they are being attained, to be achieved as part of Pennsylvania’s water quality standards.

  • Ephemeral waters classified in NMAC are subject to the designated uses and criteria as specified in those sections.A. Designated uses: livestock watering, wildlife habitat, limited aquatic life and secondary contact.B. Criteria: the use-specific criteria in NMAC are applicable to the designated uses.

  • Designated uses: high quality coldwater aquatic life, irrigation, domestic water supply, primary contact, livestock watering and wildlife habitat.B. Criteria: The use-specific numeric criteria set forth in NMAC are applicable to the designated uses except that the following segment-specific criteria apply: specific conductance 500 µS/cm or less; the monthly geometric mean of E.

More Definitions of Designated uses

Designated uses means those protected water uses specified in 18 AAC70.020 for each water body or segment of a water body;
Designated uses means the categories of surface water uses as defined in the water quality standards.
Designated uses means those uses set forth in the water quality standards herein.
Designated uses means those protected water uses specified in 18 AAC
Designated uses means a use of the waters of the state as established by part 4 of 1994 PA 451, MCL 323.1041 et seq., including use for any of the following:
Designated uses means the over-the-counter pharmaceutical markets for human drug products. If, during the First Look Period, USP decides in its sole discretion that it may be interested in developing or using the New Product in the Region, the parties will work in good faith toward a license or distributorship arrangement relating to the New Product, in such form as the parties may agree. If a definitive agreement is not reached by the end of the First Look Period, the Company or its designee may market or sell the relevant New Product in the Region for any purpose, but the parties may at their election continue to negotiate a license or distributorship agreement in their discretion.
Designated uses means those uses for a water body or segment specified in the water quality standards for each water body or segment whether or not they are being attained.