Examples of Waterworks and Sewer System in a sentence
Provisions also call for the establishment and maintenance of a Repair and Replacement Fund on the books of the City, and accounted for separate and apart from all other funds of the City, a separate fund entitled “City of Roma Waterworks and Sewer System Repair and Replacement Fund” (the “Repair and Replacement Fund”).
The City reserves, and shall have, the right to issue bonds and other obligations not on a parity with the Certificates of Obligation, and to enter into contracts, in accordance with applicable laws, to be payable from and secured by any Waterworks and Sewer System revenues.
The City reserves the right to issue any additional obligations authorized by law and such obligations may be payable from ad valorem taxes within the limits prescribed by law, which may or may not be additionally secured by the Surplus Revenues of the City’s Waterworks and Sewer System.
If for any Fiscal Year such Net Revenues do not exceed 150% of the annual debt service requirements of the Bonds Similarly Secured, the City shall be obligated to establish and maintain on the books of the City a separate fund or account designated as the “City of Plano, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve Fund”).
That unless superseded by another action of the City, to ensure compliance with the covenants contained in Section 13 hereof regarding private business use, remedial actions, arbitrage and rebate, the written procedures adopted by the City in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Burleson, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, adopted by the City Council on April 16, 2012, apply to the Certificates.
The following are descriptions of the related reserve requirements: Revenue Fund Requirements - deposit of the gross earnings (excluding tap-on fees) of the Waterworks and Sewer System as collected, to be disbursed to the following funds as required.
The City covenants and agrees that all Gross Revenues (excluding earnings from the investment of money held in any special funds or accounts created for the payment and security of the Prior Lien Obligations) shall be deposited as collected into a fund maintained at an official depository of the City and known on the books of the City as the "City of Willow Park Waterworks and Sewer System Fund" (hereinafter called the "System Fund").
The awarded Bond so authorized shall be designated "City of Tega Cay, South Carolina, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Parity Bond, Series 2018." Section 2.02.
In May 2007, the Town, as project sponsor, entered into a loan agreement with the South Carolina Water Quality Revolving Fund Authority for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the Combined Waterworks and Sewer System of the Town of Moncks Corner, South Carolina (“Waterworks”) for construction projects related to the water and sewer system.
Authorizing the issuance of $52,000,000.00 City of Laredo, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, new series 2020 for the purpose of improving and extending the City's combined Waterworks System and Sewer System; making provisions for security thereof; authorizing amendment to the City's Budget to appropriate such proceeds for purposes authorized herein; awarding sale of the bonds to the Texas Water Development Board, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject.