Examples of Web Order in a sentence
Technological irregularities may also make the use of the Internet and Web Order Site slow or unavailable at times.
To the extent that any provision of this Agreement is inconsistent with any provision of any Fund Connect Agreement, the Fund Connect Agreement shall control with respect to State Street’s provision of the Web Order Site; provided, however, it is not the intention of the parties to otherwise modify the rights, duties and obligations of the parties under the Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise expressly modified or terminated in accordance with its terms.
The Participant may elect at any time to discontinue placing Orders through the Web Order Site without providing notice under the Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Orders may be submitted through the Internet (“Web Order Site” or “Fund Connect”), but must be done so in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Prospectus, the Web Order Site, the State Street Fund Connect Buy-Side User Agreement (which must be separately entered into by the Participant) (the “Fund Connect Agreement”) and the applicable Fund Connect User Guide (or any successor documents).
The Authorized Participant may elect at any time to discontinue placing Orders through the Web Order Site without providing notice under the Agreement.
During periods of heavy market activity or other times, the Participant acknowledges it may be difficult to reach the Trust by telephone or to transact business over the Internet via the Web Order Site.
During periods of heavy market activity or other times, the Authorized Participant acknowledges it may be difficult to reach the Trust by telephone or to transact business over the Internet via the Web Order Site.
Orders submitted through the Electronic Interface must be in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Prospectus, the Web Order Site, the Electronic Interface User Agreement (the “Electronic Interface Agreement,” which must be separately entered into by the Authorized Participant) and the applicable Electronic Interface User Guide (or any successor documents).
After the activation by Customer, Customer may use such Services without entering into any subsequent Web Order, Order Form or API Order.
Orders submitted through Fund Connect must be in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Prospectus, the Web Order Site, the State Street Fund Connect Buy-Side User Agreement (the “Fund Connect Agreement,” which must be separately entered into by the Participant) and the applicable Fund Connect User Guide (or any successor documents).