Weed management definition
Examples of Weed management in a sentence
Weed management potential.Potential integration of walkways/cycleways etc.
Weed management activities needed to control weeds resulting from mirror washing shall be conducted as described in Biological Resources Appendix B.
Weed management has been the main focus of management and timber harvest has ceased on the property.
Weed management groups (WMG), non-profit organizations, government entities may be applicants as long as funds are being used on NIPF land.
Photos which include agent/office signs will be deemed to violate this policy unless they are incidental to the photo.
Weed management would include the establishment of native vegetation to prevent the spread of weeds.
Weed management is to be completed prior to vegetation removal where practicable and feasible within schedule.
Brush and Herbaceous Weed management shall be required in accordance with the Grazing Management Plan.
In: Weed management in rice in the Asian- Pacific region (Eds: A.N. Rao and H.
Weed management will be evaluated annually by ODFW and BLM and adjusted as necessary.