Examples of Weighbridge Ticket in a sentence
In order to ensure that customers have access to reliable, competitive power supplies, a robust open access transmission system and sufficient flexible generation are necessary.
The system of the document maintenance are in form of soft copy on the System Application Program (SAP), SIME Weight program and in form of hard copy (FFB Covering Letter, Weighbridge Ticket, Delivery order) are maintained on the Angsana Mini POM administration room.
Daily and contract records – Mill Weighbridge Ticket No.: 442818.FFB delivery note to mill weighbridge are available and crosscheck with the unique identification number.
Weighbridge System System for weighing vehicles before and after depositing waste often found at entrances to waste disposal sites and utilising IT to record data relating to the load (e.g. dates, times, weights,material, vehicle etc.) Weighbridge Ticket A printed receipt showing the particulars of weighed vehicles and their loads.
Figure 12: Weighbridge Ticket of overloaded vehicle together with Order to Remove Vehicle from the Road KeNHA allows payment of the prescribed fine amount corresponding to the extent of overloading by the operator by means of a banker's cheque.
The amount of liquidity in banks rely on the natures of activities and products of the bank, Bashir and Hassan (2005) tested Islamic banks (IBs) in comparison to conventional banks (CBs) among twenty-one countries.
Should any axle or axle group or be overloaded or the gross vehicle mass exceed the maximum permissible mass, the computer system alerts the scale operator and prints a Weighbridge Ticket together with an Order to Remove Vehicle from the Road in respect of the overloaded vehicle.
For example: There was also example of FFB receipt in form of Official Records and Weighbridge Ticket from PT GMP Estate (Certified FFB) and Rimbo Jandung Scheme Smallholder (Non-Certified FFB) on January 22nd 2015.
Principle 2: TransparencyIndicatorSummary of Assessment Principle 2: TransparencyIndicatorSummary of Assessment Principle 2: TransparencyIndicatorSummary of AssessmentCompliance Estate Delivery Note: DN No.: 09687Date: 31/07/2021Mill Weighbridge Ticket: WT No.: 020953Date: 31/07/2021DN No.: 09687.
Information (Supplier’s Name) • Mill administration staff (document controller) has shown the form of FFB covering letter, Weighbridge Ticket and Official Record of FFB sorting (grading) which was separating the certified FFB and non-certified FFB.