Weighted Average Reference Rate definition

Weighted Average Reference Rate means, as calculated by the Calculation Agent as at the relevant Interest Determination Date, in accordance with the following sub- paragraphs (and the resulting percentage will be rounded if necessary to the fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards):
Weighted Average Reference Rate means, with respect to any Interest Period, the arithmetic mean of SOFR, SONIA or €STR in effect during such Interest Period as specified in the applicable Final Terms, which will be calculated by the Calculation Agent as at the relevant Reference Rate Determination Date as follows, and the resulting percentage will be rounded, if necessary, (in the case of SONIA) to the fourth decimal place, with 0.00005 being rounded upwards and (in the case of SOFR or €STR) to the fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards: 𝑑𝑜𝑟 − 𝑝𝐵𝐷 𝑥 𝑘 𝐷[∑ ( 𝑖𝐷𝑖=1𝑖 )] 𝑥𝑑 where:
Weighted Average Reference Rate means, as calculated by the Principal Paying Agent (or such other party responsible for the calculation of the Rate of Interest, as specified in the applicable Final Terms) as at the relevant Interest Determination Date, in accordance with the following sub-paragraphs (and the resulting percentage will be rounded if necessary to the nearest fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards):

Examples of Weighted Average Reference Rate in a sentence

  • If Weighted Average Reference Rate applies, each Interest Determination Date shall be one Business Day prior to each Interest Reset Date and, in respect of the last two Business Days of each Interest Period, the date which is one Business Day prior to such two Business Days.

  • Interest will be calculated by the Calculation Agent on the Interest Determination Date and the resulting percentage will be rounded if necessary to the fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards, where: Weighted Average Reference Rate means: a.

  • Weighted Average, the Rate of Interest applicable to the Notes for each Interest Accrual Period will (subject to Condition 5(c) or Condition 5(d), as the case may be, and subject as provided below) be the Weighted Average Reference Rate plus or minus (as indicated in the relevant Final Terms) the Margin, all as determined by the Calculation Agent on the Interest Determination Date and the resulting percentage will be rounded, if necessary, to the fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards.

  • If the Notes become due and payable under Condition 10, the accrued interest and the Rate of Interest payable in respect of the Notes shall, subject in the case of the Compounded Daily Reference Rate, Weighted Average Reference Rate and Compounded Index Rate to Condition 5(b)(iii), nevertheless continue to be calculated as previously in accordance with this Condition but no publication of the Rate of Interest or the Interest Amount so calculated need be made.

  • Thus one potentially efficient set of network facilities was eliminated from the mix, and substituted in by higher-cost and potentially less capable firms.

  • If Weighted Average Reference Rate applies, each Interest Determination Date shall be one Business Day prior to each Interest Reset Date and, in respect ofthe last two Business Days of each Interest Period, the date which is one Business Day prior to such two Business Days.

  • Where the Calculation Method is specified in the applicable Final Terms as being "Weighted Average", the Reference Rate for each Interest Period will, subject as provided below, be the Weighted Average Reference Rate, as determined by the Calculation Agent.

  • The definition of "Senior Management Fee Interest" in Section 1.1 is hereby amended to replace "LIBOR" with "the Weighted Average Reference Rate." (j) The definition of "Subordinated Management Fee Interest" in Section 1.1 is hereby amended to replace "LIBOR" with "the Weighted Average Reference Rate." (k) Section 9.9 is hereby amended to replace "LIBOR" with "LIBOR (or, in the case of each Class of Reference Rate Eligible Notes, the Reference Rate)" each place that it appears.

  • Where the Calculation Method is specified in the Series Terms as being "Weighted Average", the Interest Rate (VM) applicable to the Instruments for each Interest Accrual Period will be the Weighted Average Reference Rate plus or minus (as indicated in the Series Terms) the Margin, all as calculated by the Calculation Agent on the Interest Determination Date and the resulting percentage will be rounded, if necessary, in accordance with Master Condition 7(b)(v)(6).

  • Where the Calculation Method is specified in the Series Terms as being "Weighted Average", the Interest Rate applicable to the Instruments for each Interest Accrual Period will be the Weighted Average Reference Rate plus or minus (as indicated in the Series Terms) the Margin, all as calculated by the Calculation Agent on the Interest Determination Date and the resulting percentage will be rounded, if necessary, in accordance with Master Condition 7(b)(v)(6).

More Definitions of Weighted Average Reference Rate

Weighted Average Reference Rate means the arithmetic mean of the Reference Rate in effect for each calendar day during the relevant Observation Period, calculated by multiplying each relevant Reference Rate by the number of calendar days such rate is in effect, determining the sum of such products and dividing such sum by the number of calendar days in the relevant Observation Period. For these purposes the Reference Rate in effect for any calendar day which is not a Business Day shall be deemed to be the Reference Rate in effect for the Business Day immediately preceding such calendar day,where:

Related to Weighted Average Reference Rate

  • Weighted Average Advance Rate means, as of any date of determination with respect to all Eligible Collateral Obligations included in the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance, the number obtained by (i) summing the products obtained by multiplying (a) the Advance Rate of each such Eligible Collateral Obligation by (b) such Eligible Collateral Obligation’s contribution to the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance and (ii) dividing such sum by the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance.

  • Reset Reference Rate means in respect of a Reset Period, the gross redemption yield (as calculated by the Agent Bank on the basis set out by the United Kingdom Debt Management Office in the paper “Formulae for Calculating Gilt Prices from Yields”, page 5, Section One: Price/Yield Formulae “Conventional Gilts”; Double dated and Undated Gilts with Assumed (or Actual) Redemption on a Quasi-Coupon Date (published 8 June 1998, as amended or updated from time to time) or if such basis is no longer in customary market usage at such time, in accordance with generally accepted market practice at such time, on a semi-annual compounding basis (rounded up (if necessary) to four decimal places) of the Benchmark Gilt in respect of that Reset Period, with the price of the Benchmark Gilt for the purpose of determining the gross redemption yield being the arithmetic average (rounded up (if necessary) to the nearest 0.001 per cent. (0.0005 per cent. being rounded upwards)) of the bid and offered prices of such Benchmark Gilt quoted by the Reset Reference Banks at 11.00 a.m. (London time) on the Reset Determination Date in respect of such Reset Period on a dealing basis for settlement on the next following dealing day in London. Such quotations shall be obtained by or on behalf of the Issuer and provided to the Agent Bank. If at least four quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two or three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded quotation provided. If no quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be the previous Reset Reference Rate or (in the case of the first Reset Period) 1.581 per cent., where:

  • Weighted Average Spread means, with respect to Floating Rate Obligations (in each case excluding Defaulted Loans), as of any date, the number obtained by:

  • Weighted Average Floating Spread means, as of any date of determination, the number, expressed as a percentage, obtained by summing the products obtained by multiplying, in the case of each Floating Rate Loan (excluding Defaulted Loans) on an annualized basis, the Spread of such Loans (including commitment, letter of credit and all other fees), by the Outstanding Loan Balance of such Loans as of such date and dividing such sum by the aggregate Outstanding Loan Balance of all such Floating Rate Loans and rounding the result up to the nearest 0.01%; provided that the Spread of any Revolver Loan which is not fully funded shall be the sum of:

  • Weighted Average means a ratio of the weight of the investment by the financial market participant in an investee company in relation to the enterprise value of the investee company;

  • Compounded Daily Reference Rate means, with respect to an Interest Period, the rate of return of a daily compound interest investment in the Specified Currency (with the applicable Reference Rate (as indicated in the relevant Final Terms and further provided for below) as the reference rate for the calculation of interest) and will be calculated by the Calculation Agent on the Interest Determination Date, as follows, and the resulting percentage will be rounded, if necessary, to the fifth decimal place, with 0.000005 being rounded upwards:

  • Reference Rate means the rate specified as such hereon.

  • Applicable Reference Rate means with respect to any Loan made in any currency, the rate indicated on Annex II under the heading “Applicable Reference Rate” for such currency.

  • Weighted Average Price means, for any security as of any date, the dollar volume-weighted average price for such security on the Principal Market during the period beginning at 9:30:01 a.m., New York time (or such other time as the Principal Market publicly announces is the official open of trading), and ending at 4:00:00 p.m., New York time (or such other time as the Principal Market publicly announces is the official close of trading), as reported by Bloomberg through its “Volume at Price” function or, if the foregoing does not apply, the dollar volume-weighted average price of such security in the over-the-counter market on the electronic bulletin board for such security during the period beginning at 9:30:01 a.m., New York time (or such other time as such market publicly announces is the official open of trading), and ending at 4:00:00 p.m., New York time (or such other time as such market publicly announces is the official close of trading), as reported by Bloomberg, or, if no dollar volume-weighted average price is reported for such security by Bloomberg for such hours, the average of the highest Closing Bid Price and the lowest closing ask price of any of the market makers for such security as reported in the OTC Link or “pink sheets” by OTC Markets Group Inc. (formerly Pink OTC Markets Inc.). If the Weighted Average Price cannot be calculated for a security on a particular date on any of the foregoing bases, the Weighted Average Price of such security on such date shall be the fair market value as mutually determined by the Company and the Holder. If the Company and the Holder are unable to agree upon the fair market value of such security, then such dispute shall be resolved pursuant to Section 11 with the term “Weighted Average Price” being substituted for the term “Exercise Price.” All such determinations shall be appropriately adjusted for any stock dividend, stock split, stock combination, reclassification or other similar transaction during the applicable calculation period.

  • Weighted Average Coupon means, with respect to Fixed Rate Obligations (excluding Defaulted Loans), as of any date, the number obtained by:

  • Term SOFR Reference Rate means the forward-looking term rate based on SOFR.