Examples of Interest Determination Date in a sentence
For the purposes of this paragraph (B) of Condition 4.2: CMS Rate shall mean the applicable swap rate for swap transactions in the Reference Currency with a maturity of the Designated Maturity, expressed as a percentage, which appears on the Relevant Screen Page as at the Specified Time on the Interest Determination Date in question, all as determined by the Calculation Agent.
If on any Interest Determination Date less than three or none of the CMS Reference Banks provides the Issuer or an agent appointed by it with such quotations as provided in the preceding paragraph, the CMS Rate shall be determined by the Issuer or an agent appointed by it in good faith on such commercial basis as considered appropriate in its absolute discretion, in accordance with standard market practice.
If on any Interest Determination Date less than three or none of the CMS Reference Banks provides the Calculation Agent with such quotations as provided in the preceding paragraph, the CMS Rate shall be determined by the Calculation Agent in good faith on such commercial basis as considered appropriate by the Calculation Agent in its discretion, in accordance with standard market practice.
If on any Interest Determination Date less than three or none of the CMS Reference Banks provides the Issuer or an agent appointed by it with such quotations as provided in the preceding paragraph, the CMS Rate shall be determined by the Calculation Agent in good faith on such commercial basis as considered appropriate in its absolute discretion, in accordance with standard market practice.