Well construction definition

Well construction means constructing a water well and installing necessary casing, screen, liners, grout, seals, and other appurtenances.
Well construction means the producing of any well, including the construction, alteration, or repair thereof, but excluding the installation of pumps and pumping equipment.
Well construction means the drilling, tunneling, digging or otherwise constructing of a well for whatever purpose, including any alteration or repairs of an existing well, but excluding the installation of pumps and pumping equipment.

Examples of Well construction in a sentence

  • NR 811.87 General.NR 811.88 ASR well performance requirements.NR 811.89 Well construction requirements for ASR wells.NR 811.90 Equipment, appurtenances and piping for ASR wells and ASR sys- tems.NR 811.91 ASR system pilot studies.NR 811.92 ASR system development testing.

  • Beginning on April 15, 2003, or such other date as may be agreed to by the RRCA and on the same date each year thereafter, each State will provide the other States with an annual report for the previous year of all Well construction in the State within the Basin Upstream of Guide Rock, Nebraska and all denials of Well permits or other requests for Well construction.

  • NR 812.11 Well construction equipment and materials.NR 812.12 General drilled type well construction requirements.

  • Casing and CementThe well construction plan was evaluated and determined to be in conformance with standard practices and guidelines that ensure well injection does not result in the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into USDWs. Well construction details for the injection well(s) are shown in TABLE 3.1. Remedial cementing may be required if the casing cement is shown to be inadequate by cement bond log or other demonstration of external (Part II) mechanical integrity.

  • Well construction regulations require wells using an unconfined aquifer as a water supply source to be located 100 feet from identifiable sources of contamination and designated subsurface disposal areas.

  • Well construction and well service activities must cease until the WWPPP described in Part III of this permit is modified to provide a description of the release and the circumstances leading to the release and to identify and provide for the implementation of steps to prevent the reoccurrence of such releases and to respond to such releases.

  • In accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 146.22(f), the Permittee shall prepare the following well logs and tests, as follows, during the period of well conversion and Injection Well construction and/or during any rework of the Injection Well: electric, gamma ray and caliper logs in the open hole; a cement bond, temperature or density log on the surface casing (if cement returns are not achieved); and a cement bond log/variable density log on the long string casing.

  • Well construction log information shall include the eleva- tion of the ground surface, the top of the pipe, the bottom of each boring, the well seals, the screened interval, a description of well construction, and a boring log as required in subd.

  • Well construction and well service discharges shall be in compliance with 567 I.A.C. 61.3(2).

  • The most recent version of the SBI consists of 20 questions, 18 of which are scored.

More Definitions of Well construction

Well construction means the act of setting up the rig for and engaging in the excavation of a water well, the modification of the borehole, the setting or removal of casing up to the point of installing or repairing pump equipment, and plugging abandoned water wells.
Well construction means creation of an artificial excavation by any method for the purpose of obtaining water, providing cathodic protection, or monitoring subsurface water, soil, or vapors. Construction shall include excavation, placement of the annular, surface, and sanitary seals and installation of the sample faucet, as appropriate.
Well construction means the procedures, methods, materials and equipment used during the construction or reconstruction of a private well.
Well construction means all acts necessary to construct a well including, but not limited to the location and excavation of the borehole; placement of casings, screens and fittings; development and testing.
Well construction means all acts necessary to construct a well for the production of water including, but not limited to the location and excavation of the well; placement of casings, screens and fittings; develop- ment and testing.

Related to Well construction

  • Original construction ’ shall mean the first or initial construction

  • New construction means, for the purposes of determining insurance rates, structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of an initial FIRM or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later, and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. For floodplain management purposes, "new construction" means structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by a community and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.

  • Existing construction means any structure for which the "start of construction" commenced before the effective date of the initial floodplain management code or ordinance adopted by the community as a basis for that community's participation in the NFIP.

  • Residential construction means construction on single-family or two-family dwellings occupied or used, or intended to be occupied or used, primarily for residential purposes, and includes real property pursuant to chapter 499B.

  • Completion of Construction means all the construction is complete except for minor weather-related components and conforms to the approved plans and specifications and change orders.

  • The constructional plant means all appliances, tools, plants or machinery or whatsoever nature required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the works but does not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.

  • Commencement of Construction means the commencement of construction of foundation components or elements (such as footings, rafts or piles) for the home.

  • Commenced Construction means (a) all of the following site preparation work is completed: ingress and egress routes exist; the site on which the Project will be located is cleared and graded; there is power service to the site; footings are prepared; and foundations have been poured consistent with purchased equipment specifications and project design; or (b) the following financial commitments have been made: (i) (A) an engineering, procurement, and construction contract (“EPC”) has been executed by all parties and is effective; or (B) contracts (collectively, “EPC Equivalents”) for all of the following have been executed by all parties and is effective: (1) project engineering, (2) procurement of all major equipment, and (3) construction of the Project, and (ii) the cumulative payments made by the Developer under the EPC or EPC Equivalents to the counterparties to those respective agreements is equal to at least thirty (30) percent of the total costs of the EPC or EPC Equivalents.

  • Building construction means any physical activity on the site involved in the erection of a structure, cladding, external finish, formwork, fixture, fitting of service installation and the unloading of plant, machinery, materials or the like.

  • Begin actual construction means, in general, initiation of physical on-site construction activities on an emissions unit which are of a permanent nature. Such activities include, but are not limited to, installation of building supports and foundations, laying of underground pipework, and construction of permanent storage structures. With respect to a change in method of operation, this term refers to those on-site activities, other than preparatory activities, which mark the initiation of the change.

  • Cost of Construction means the total cost to Owner of those portions of the entire Project designed or specified by the Design Professional. Cost of Construction does not include the Design Professional's compensation and expenses and Owner's expenses associated with the Project or the cost of other services to be provided by others to the Owner.

  • Start of construction means the date the development permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, or improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means the first placement of permanent construction of the structure such as the pouring of slabs or footings, installation of piles, construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation, and includes the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. (Permanent construction does not include initial land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of buildings appurtenant to the permitted structure, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or part of the main structure. (NOTE: accessory structures are NOT exempt from any ordinance requirements) For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building.

  • Commence Construction means that an owner or operator has either undertaken a continuous program of construction or has entered into a contractual obligation to undertake and complete, within a reasonable time, a continuous program of construction.

  • Pipeline Construction means a substantial disturbance to agricultural land associated with installation, replacement, removal, operation or maintenance of a pipeline, but shall not include work performed during an emergency. Emergency means a condition where there is clear and immediate danger to life or health, or essential services, or a potentially significant loss of property. When the emergency condition ends, pipeline construction will be in accordance with these rules.

  • Construction and Demolition Debris means and includes:

  • Construction means any physical change or change in the method of operation (including fabrication, erection, installation, demolition, or modification of an emissions unit) which would result in a change in actual emissions.

  • Construction Plant means appliances, machinery with necessary supply to up keep and maintenance of the works or temporary works but dose not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.

  • Construction and demolition waste means the waste building materials, packaging, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations on pavements, houses, commercial buildings and other structures.

  • Acquisition and Construction Fund means the fund so designated in, and created pursuant to, Section 502 hereof.

  • Erection, construction, remodeling, repairing means all types of work done on a particular building or work at the site thereof in the construction or development of the project, including without limitation, erecting, construction, remodeling, repairing, altering, painting, and decorating, the transporting of materials and supplies to or from the building or work done by the employees of the Contractor, Subcontractor, or Agent thereof, and the manufacturing or furnishing of

  • Construction waste means solid waste which is produced or generated during construction, remodeling, or repair of pavements, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures. Construction wastes include, but are not limited to lumber, wire, sheetrock, broken brick, shingles, glass, pipes, concrete, paving materials, and metal and plastics if the metal or plastics are a part of the materials of construction or empty containers for such materials. Paints, coatings, solvents, asbestos, any liquid, compressed gases or semi-liquids and garbage are not construction wastes.

  • Land disturbing construction activity means any man-made alteration of the land surface resulting in a change in the topography or existing vegetative or non-vegetative soil cover, that may result in runoff and lead to an increase in soil erosion and movement of sediment into waters of the state. Land disturbing construction activity includes clearing and grubbing, demolition, excavating, pit trench dewatering, filling and grading activities.

  • similar stage of construction means the stage at which:

  • construction site means a workplace where construction work is being performed;

  • Contribution in aid of construction, as used in this subrule, means a nonrefundable cash payment grossed-up for the income tax effect of such revenue covering the costs of a distribution main extension or service line that are in excess of costs paid by the utility. The amount of tax shall be reduced by the present value of the tax benefits to be obtained by depreciating the property in determining the tax liability.

  • Construction project means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.