Whistleblower Officer definition

Whistleblower Officer means an officer appointed to receive Protected Disclosures from Whistleblower, conduct detailed investigation in relation to such Protected Disclosures, maintaining records thereof, placing the same before the Audit Committee for its disposal and informing the Whistleblower the result thereof. The Company Secretary of the Company, or such other person as may be appointed by the Audit Committee from time to time, shall act as the Whistleblower Officer.
Whistleblower Officer means: Christians Against Poverty’s Board nominated eligible recipient for the receipt of whistleblower disclosure reports.
Whistleblower Officer means an officer who is nominated/appointed to conduct detailed investigation. Currently, the Chief Operating Officer is nominated as the Whistleblower Officer.

Examples of Whistleblower Officer in a sentence

  • The Whistleblower Officer will investigate all matters reported under this policy as soon as possible after the matter has been reported.

  • A Whistleblower Officer may appoint a person to assist in the investigation of a matter raised in a report.

  • The Board will appoint a suitable senior employee to the position of “Whistleblower Officer”, whose role it will be investigate the substance of any complaint regarding reportable conduct, to determine whether there is evidence in support of the conduct raised or, alternatively, to refute the report made.The Whistleblower Officer has direct, unfettered access to independent financial, legal and operational advice as required for the purposes of effectively carrying out the role.

  • Any breach of compliance with this Code is to be reported directly to the Whistleblower Officer, in accordance with the procedure set out in the Company’s Whistleblower Policy.

  • A whistleblower who reports reportable conduct will not be personally disadvantaged by having made the report by suffering detriment.Where detriment is suffered, or is claimed to have been suffered by a whistleblower, the whistleblower should report it immediately to the Whistleblower Officer.

  • If any Personnel or Representative is directed to do something which they believe to be unlawful, they are expected to report the incident to the Whistleblower Officer in accordance with this Policy and the Whistleblower Policy.

  • The Group Whistleblower Officer also provides quarterly reports to the Group Risk and Audit Committee on any concerns reported over the period.

  • Depending on the method you use to contact a Whistleblower Officer to make an anonymous disclosure, we may not be able to contact you if we need further information from you, which may make it more difficult for us to investigate your disclosure and we may not be able to advise you of the outcome of the investigation.

  • When a disclosure of wrongdoing is received the Whistleblower Officer will assess the disclosure, as a matter of priority, to determine whether it qualifies for protection under the Corporations Act and the nature and extent of the investigation that may be required, including timeframes that will allow the investigation to be conducted both thoroughly and with expediency.

  • The Whistleblower Officer will act independently of the Whistleblower Investigator and focus on the protection of the whistleblower during the investigation.

More Definitions of Whistleblower Officer

Whistleblower Officer means an officer who is nominated/appointed to conduct detailed

Related to Whistleblower Officer

  • Whistleblower means an Employee or director making a Protected Disclosure under this Policy.

  • Whistle Officer or “Committee” means an officer or Committee of persons who is nominated/appointed to conduct detailed investigation.

  • Health Officer means the Municipal Health Officer or District Health Officer or such other official as may be appointed by the State Government in that behalf.

  • Medical Officer of Health means the Medical Officer of Health for the Regional Municipality of York;

  • Data Protection Officer takes the meaning given in the UK GDPR;

  • Privacy Officer means the same as defined in 45 C.F.R. § 164.530(a)(1). The Privacy Officer is the official designated by a County or Contractor to be responsible for compliance with HIPAA/HITECH regulations.

  • Environment Officer means an employee so designated pursuant to The Environment Act;

  • immigration officer means any person who is an immigration officer as defined in section 2 of the Immigration Act [Chapter 4:02];

  • BD Officer means each officer or employee of BD designated as a "BD Officer" for purposes of this Agreement in a communication to the Auction Agent.

  • prescribed officer means a person who, within a company, performs any function that has been designated by the Minister in terms of section 66(10);

  • proper officer (“swyddog priodol”) means an officer of that council within the meaning of section 270(3) of the Local Government Act 1972; and

  • Competent Officer means any officer authorized by the Corporation to act on behalf of the Corporation under this Contract.

  • Health care corporation means a health care corporation incorporated under the nonprofit health care corporation reform act, 1980 PA 350, MCL 550.1101 to 550.1704.

  • Harassment means a pattern of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct relating to another person's constitutionally or statutorily protected status that causes, or reasonably should be expected to cause, substantial interference with the other's performance in the school environment; and

  • StarCompliance Code of Ethics application means the web-based application used to electronically pre-clear personal securities transactions and file many of the reports required herein. The application can be accessed via the AB network at: https://alliance-ng.starcompliance.com/.

  • Wildlife officer means a full-time employee of the department of natural resources who is designated a wildlife officer under section 1531.13 of the Revised Code and is in compliance with section 109.77 of the Revised Code.

  • Vigilance and Ethics Officer means an officer appointed to receive protected disclosures from whistle blowers, maintaining records thereof, placing the same before the Audit Committee for its disposal and informing the Whistle Blower the result thereof.

  • PJM Code of Conduct means the code of ethical standards, guidelines and expectations for PJM’s employees, officers and Board Members in their transactions and business dealings on behalf of PJM as posted on the PJM website and as may be amended from time to time.

  • Retaliation means any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment directed against a student who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.

  • medical officer means a medical practitioner who is—

  • Code of Ethics means a statement encompassing the set of rules based on values and the standards of conduct to which suppliers are expected to conform

  • competent official means a person appointed by the Minister for the execution of this Act;

  • Code official means the Code Enforcement Officer, anyone fulfilling the duties of the Code Enforcement Officer on either a temporary or permanent basis, or any designee of the City Manager, the Director of the Department of Planning and Development Services, or the Code Enforcement Officer.

  • Code of Conduct means an agreement or set of rules not imposed by law, regulation or administrative provision of a Member State which defines the behaviour of traders who undertake to be bound by the code in relation to one or more particular commercial practices or business sectors;

  • Savings association means a Fed- eral savings and loan association or a Federal savings bank chartered under section 5 of the Home Owners’ Loan Act, a building and loan, savings and loan or homestead association or a co- operative bank (other than a coopera- tive bank described in 12 U.S.C. 1813(a)(2)) the deposits of which are in- sured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and any corporation (other than a bank) the deposits of which are insured by the Federal De- posit Insurance Corporation that the Office of the Comptroller of the Cur- rency and the Federal Deposit Insur- ance Corporation jointly determine to be operating in substantially the same manner as a savings association, and shall include any savings bank or any cooperative bank which is deemed by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to be a savings association under 12 U.S.C. 1467a(1).

  • Whistle Blower means an Employee making a Protected Disclosure under this Policy.