Wholesale distributor means any person other than a manufacturer, a manufacturer's co-licensed
Bulk Consumer means a consumer such as the Departments of Central Government like Railways, Defense, Telecom, Posts and Telegraph, the Department of State Government, the Undertakings, Boards and other agencies or companies who purchase hundred or more than hundred batteries per annum.
Retail seller means any person that sells any dangerous drug to consumers without assuming control over and responsibility for its administration. Mere advice or instructions regarding administration do not constitute control or establish responsibility.
Wholesale dealer means any dealer who deals in, or who holds a licence under any law to deal in, as the case may be, wholesale quantities of goods, and the business and stock of a wholesale dealer shall be deemed to include the business and stocks of any retail dealer who conducts business on the same premises on which the wholesale dealer conducts his or her business; and
Purchased Services means Services that You or Your Affiliate purchase under an Order Form, as distinguished from those provided pursuant to a free trial.
Model 1 seller means a seller registered under the agreement that has selected a certified service provider as the seller's agent to perform all of the seller's sales and use tax functions for agreement sales and use taxes other than the seller's obligation under Section 59-12-124 to remit a tax on the seller's own purchases.
The Purchaser means the organization purchasing the Goods, as named in SCC.
Buyer has the meaning set forth in the preamble.
Retail buyer or "buyer" means a person who buys goods and services, or services from a contractor pursuant to a home improvement installment contract, or goods and services from a contractor pursuant to a home improvement charge agreement.
First purchaser means the first buyer of a manufactured item that contains ferrous or nonferrous metal in a retail or business-to-business transaction. A person that purchases scrap metal, or other property described in section 10, in violation of this act, or an automotive recycler, pawnshop, scrap metal recycler, or scrap processor is not considered a first purchaser.
Seller has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.