Wild birds definition

Wild birds means those species of the class Aves whose
Wild birds means those species of the class Aves whose members exist in Washington in a wild state.
Wild birds means all birds other than: (a) Domestic poultry — chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peafowls and turkeys; (b) psittacidae, commonly called parrots and parakeets; and (c) other foreign cage birds such as the common canary, exotic finches and ring dove. All wild birds, either: (i) Those occurring in a natural state in West Virginia; or (ii) those imported foreign game birds, such as waterfowl, pheasants, partridges, quail and grouse, regardless of how long raised or held in captivity, shall remain wild birds under the meaning of this chapter.

Examples of Wild birds in a sentence

  • Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them.

  • Within this framework, BUM Desa is intended as a forum for village businesses, with a spirit of independence, togetherness, and cooperation between the village government and the community in developing local assets to provide services to citizens and increase the economic income of the community and village [1].

  • Wild birds and wetlands: There is no benefit to be gained in attempting to control the virus in wild birds through culling or habitat destruction.

  • Wild birds and poultry are the most important reservoirs of Campylobacter.

  • Wild birds, especially migratory waterfowl, play a very important role as the influenza A virus reservoir, as shown by the isolation of nearly all possible combinations of HA and NA subtypes from wild birds.

  • Wild birds must only be marked by personnel with a Bird Banding Authority (Colour Marking Authority) and in accordance with the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme (ABBBS) guidelines.

  • Wild birds taken under this strategy fall under federal and state permits and are not taken for sport or recreational purposes.

  • In future legislation development it is also essential to take into account all national and European legal instruments such EIA, SEA, Wild birds and Habitats Directives.

  • Wild birds act as natural reservoirs of AAvV-1, with frequent viral transmission to domestic birds.

  • Wild birds, rodents and insects must be prevented from entering the barn.

More Definitions of Wild birds

Wild birds means all birds except domestic poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peafowls, and turkeys), members of the family Psittacidae (parrots and parakeets), and other foreign cage birds such as the common canary, exotic finches, and ring doves. The term "wild birds" includes both birds that occur in a natural state in West Virginia and imported foreign game birds such as grouse, partridges, pheasants, quail, and waterfowl.

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