Examples of Winter Peak Load in a sentence
Separate Summer and Winter Peak Load Windows are applicable based on the penetration of duration limited resources in Section 5.12.14.
The calculation is represented by: (PLC) - (Load *LF) Winter (November through April of a Delivery Year)– End use customer’s Winter Peak Load (“WPL”) multiplied by Zonal Winter Weather Adjustment Factor (“ZWWAF”) multiplied by LF, minus the metered load (“Load”) multiplied by the LF.
Data is provided by both the zone EDC and the Curtailment Service Provider in the designated PJM electronic system, and must include the EDC meter number or other unique customer identifier, Peak Load Contribution (5CP), Winter Peak Load, contract firm service level or guaranteed load drop values, applicable loss factor, zone/area location of the load drop, number of active participants, etc.
Customer-specific Demand Resource Registration information (EDC account number, peak load contribution, Winter Peak Load, notification period, etc.) will be entered into the designated PJM electronic system to establish nominated values.
The winter Nominated Value for a Guaranteed Load Drop customer on a registration shall be the winter guaranteed load drop amount, adjusted for system losses, and shall not exceed the customer’s Winter Peak Load multiplied by Zonal Winter Weather Adjustment Factor multiplied by the loss factor, as established by the customer’s contract with the Curtailment Service Provider.
The winter Nominated Value for Firm Service Level customer(s) on a registration shall equal the total Winter Peak Load for customers on the registration multiplied by Zonal Winter Weather Adjustment Factor minus winter Firm Service level and then the result is multiplied by the loss factor.
Table II.B.2. Winter Peak Load (MW) Growth Rates PJM ZoneSources: * PJM Load Forecast Report, January 2009.** PJM Load Forecast Report, January 2010.
Summer Peak Load Season, Winter Peak Load Season, Spring (March, April, May), and Fall (October and November), for year i.
Table 5.3.1 Loss of Gas Supply Winter Peak Load and Capacity Minus Gas Units Comprehensive Review: 2015 Forecast for Winter 2020Peak Load (MW)Notes: (1)This amount is derived from the NYISO 2015 Gold Book and represents the 2020 Total Resource Capability from Table V-2a; net resourcechanges from Tables IV-1, IV-2a, IV-2b, and IV-3.
Topological changes modeled if in- service on or beforeWinter Peak1/15/(yyyy+1)Spring Min Load4/15Spring Light Load4/15Spring Peak4/15Summer Shoulder Peak7/15Summer Peak7/15Fall Peak10/15 Winter Peak Load (yyyyWIN) — is defined as the winter peak demand expected to be served, reflecting load reductions for peak shaving.