Examples of Wireless Ethernet in a sentence
As there were no further requests to address the Board, Mr. Del Rio closed this portion of the meeting and the Board adjourned for Closed Session discussion on the following agenda items (GC 54957.7, 54954.5): a.
This is in part because the application was developed with the Palm Operation System API (Application Programming Interface).• Wireless Ethernet Module for the handheld: Xircom SpringPort Wireless Ethernet (SWE1130)This Ethernet Module is part of a family of “Springboard” modules made specifically for Handspring handhelds.
S., “On the Feasibility of Using Wireless Ethernet for Indoor Localization”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(3), pp.
Wireless Ethernet AMG’s Wireless Ethernet range provides secure & reliable transmission over the 5GHz wireless band.
The IEEE 802.11 standard was ratified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1997, which provides data rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps [14].The Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) term was originated with Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA), an organization standardizing the development and applications of IEEE 802.11 compliant products.
In 1999, the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) was formed to test and certify products for 802.11 compliance.
This action responds to the petition for rule making submitted by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA—now known as Wi-Fi Alliance).425.
The Guaranteed Install Interval shall commence when CTS electronically sends the Tech Order to the Contractor, a copy for Fixed Wireless Ethernet Services is set forth in Exhibit 3.
Cingular, Cisco, the Consumer Federation of America, Ericsson, the Information Technology Industry Council, Motorola, Proxim, the Rural Telecommunications Group, and the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance also expressed support for additional unlicensed spectrum.
At least two orders having each order for setting up with support or executing AMC of a single order for Wireless Radios Network having at least 50 Numbers of Wireless Ethernet Radios.