Withdrawing User definition
Examples of Withdrawing User in a sentence
He provides a report to the Administration Committee every month that lists every department, the turnover in the department and the reasons for it.In general, if there is a class and comp change, department heads are supposed to notify the Board.
This is a sample of the form which would be sent by the Proposing User to the Withdrawing User to confirm the Notional Meter Reading that has been agreed between Suppliers.
This will produce a Meter Reading deemed to be taken on the SMP Registration Date which should be provided to the Withdrawing User.
This is a sample of the form which would be sent by the Proposing User to advise the Withdrawing User of the DM/VLDM CoS Read and allow the Withdrawing User to accept or reject the CoS Read provided.
An appropriate education is the provision of regular or special education and related aids and services that are designed to meet individual educational needs of handicapped/disabled persons as adequately as the needs of nonhandicapped/nondisabled persons are met and are based upon adherence to procedures that satisfy the requirements of this regulation.
Where a Supply Point Withdrawal becomes effective (under paragraph in respect of a Supply Point and the Proposing User provides an Opening Meter Reading in accordance with Section M5.13, the CDSP will, within 5 Supply Point Systems Business Days after such Meter Reading was provided to it, notify such Meter Reading to the Withdrawing User and inform the Withdrawing User whether it was Validated.
The Withdrawing User would draw up claims on the Proposing User using the following calculations: Any claim associated with an Incomplete Switch will be based on an estimated consumption derived from an agreed daily profile over a 12 month period using the Withdrawing User’s appropriate tariff.
For the purposes of validation, each claim must be supported by workings provided by the Withdrawing User.
Under the XAM library resides the Vendor Interface Module (VIM), which acts as abridge between the XAM standard APIs and the vendor storage systems.We chose to use the XAM emerging standard in PDS since it adequately addresses many of the special needs of a preservation aware storage.
The dates the customer is supplied by the Withdrawing User will be entered into a V-LookUp table and an amount for the time of their incomplete switch (this being the time period between the Registration Date of the initial switch and the day prior to the Registration Date of the switch back) will be calculated.