Incumbent Supplier definition

Incumbent Supplier means the existing Electricity Supplier to the relevant Supply Point immediately prior to the Effective Date.
Incumbent Supplier has the meaning given in sub-clause 3.2.
Incumbent Supplier means a supplier engaged by the Customer to provide services to be replaced by the SaaS Services (in whole or in part) with effect from the effective date(s) of any Order; and

Examples of Incumbent Supplier in a sentence

  • The Parties acknowledge and agree that any disputes between the Supplier and Incumbent Supplier relating to the late Registration of such Supply Point, including any amounts that may be owed, shall be resolved (and payments made) in accordance with the MRA.

  • The Supplier shall not be liable for any Losses arising out of any late or failed Registration of a Supply Point and any consequential delay in an Actual Supply Start Date for a Supply Point, to the extent such late or failed Registration or such consequential delay is the direct result of a Notice of Objection submitted by the Incumbent Supplier.

  • Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract.2. Annual Average Spend: the annual average (over 3 years) spends for each supplier3.

  • If an objection to the Supplier’s Registration of a Supply Point is made by the Incumbent Supplier and is not resolved within five (5) Working Days then the Parties acknowledge and agree that either the Contracted Customer or the Supplier may terminate the Customer Contract in respect of the affected Supply Point.

  • The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to do such things as are necessary to resolve any Notice of Objection raised by the Incumbent Supplier of a Supply Point as soon as is reasonably practicable to minimise any delays to the Actual Supply Start Date for the relevant Supply Point.

More Definitions of Incumbent Supplier

Incumbent Supplier eans a supplier or contractor who supplies services, that are similar to or the same as the Services (or part of them), to Buyer immediately before the commencement of the provision of the Services (or part of them) by the Supplier (or any of its subcontractors).
Incumbent Supplier has the meaning given to it in Clause 3.2.3. Industry Documents all agreements, licences, authorisations and codes (including the Uniform Network Code) or procedures applicable to the Supplier and relating to or necessary for the supply of natural gas to the Sites from time to time. Information has the meaning given to it under Section 84 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Information Commissioner the person appointed as Information Commissioner pursuant to section 6 of the Data Protection Act 1998. Intellectual Property Rights or IPRs all of: (i) copyright, rights related to or affording protection similar to copyright, rights in databases, patents and rights in inventions, semi-conductor topography rights, trade marks, rights in internet domain names and website addresses and other rights in trade names, designs, Know-How, trade secrets and other rights in Confidential Information; (ii) applications for registration, and the right to apply for registration, for any of the rights listed at (a) that are capable of being registered in any country or jurisdiction; and (iii) all other rights having equivalent or similar effect in any country or jurisdiction.
Incumbent Supplier has the meaning given to it in Paragraph 4.2.3 of Schedule 5. Independent Expert an expert appointed pursuant to Clause 10.16. Industry Documents all agreements, licences, authorisations and codes (including the Uniform Network Code) or procedures applicable to the Supplier and relating to or necessary for the supply of natural gas to Customer Sites from time to time. Information has the meaning given to it in section 84 of the Freedom of Information Xxx 0000. Information Commissioner the person appointed as Information Commissioner pursuant to section 6 of the Data Protection Xxx 0000. Intellectual Property Rights or IPR any of: (i) copyright, rights related to or affording protection similar to copyright, rights in databases, patents and rights in inventions, semi-conductor topography rights, service marks, logos, database rights, trade marks, rights in internet domain names and website addresses and other rights in trade or business names, design rights (whether registerable or otherwise), Know-How, trade secrets and moral rights and other similar rights or obligations; (ii) applications for registration, and the right to apply for registration, for any of the rights listed at (i) that are capable of being registered in any country or jurisdiction; and (iii) all other rights whether registerable or not having equivalent or similar effect in any country or jurisdiction (including but not limited to the United Kingdom) and the right to xxx for passing off. Interim Price a price agreed between the Authority and the Supplier for an Interim Supply in accordance with Paragraph 5.14 of Schedule 3. Interim Supply the supply of gas by the Supplier to one or more Supply Points during the Interim Supply Period for those Supply Points. Interim Supply Period for a Supply Point the period (if any) from the date on which natural gas is first supplied to that Supply Point by the Supplier under the Customer Contract until: (i) (subject to sub-paragraph (ii) below) the First Supply Start Date; or (ii) in the case of a Contracted Customer adding an additional Supply Point, the Supply Start Date for the Supply Year relating to the First Price Setting Round following the date on which that Supply Point is added to the Customer’s Customer Contract. Inter-Shipper Agreement a voluntary code for resolving issues arising from the late transfer of sites between signatories to the Inter-Shipper Agreement. Inter-Shipper Dispute Mechanism a detailed process under the Inter-Shipper A...
Incumbent Supplier has the meaning given to it in Paragraph 4.2.3 of Schedule 5. Independent Expert an expert appointed pursuant to Clause 10.16. Index an index for the wholesale power market in Great Britain published by an Index Publisher from time to time. Index Instruction has the meaning given to it in Paragraph 6.12 of Schedule 3. Index Price the price published by the relevant Index Publisher. Index Publisher APX Group, Argus Media Group, ICIS Heren, the London Energy Brokers Association, N2EX and any other such person generally recognised within the wholesale power market for Great Britain reasonably determined by the Authority from time to time.
Incumbent Supplier has the meaning given in Paragraph 3.2(c) of Schedule 5.
Incumbent Supplier any supplier of the Services prior to the transfer of the Services to the Supplier; “National Minimum the minimum wage per hour to which a worker is entitled calculated Wage” according to their age, as may be varied from time to time;
Incumbent Supplier means a supplier already engaged by the Purchaser to provide the Services which are to be provided by the Supplier on the commencement of the contract for Services;