Withdrawable definition

Withdrawable means shares with the associated right for the Member to withdraw and receive in return the value of their shares from the Society;
Withdrawable in relation to shares means shares with the associated right for the Member to withdraw their shares and receive in return the value of their shares from the Co-operative.
Withdrawable means shares with the associated right for the Member to withdraw and receive in return the value of their shares from the Co-operative in accordance with the provisions of these Rules;

Examples of Withdrawable in a sentence

  • Withdrawal or delivery of Company Deposits (excluding Withdrawable Funds) by the Company shall be permitted or made only upon Written Instructions of the Company, but only if OHA has approved the specific transaction by written instruction that states the amount of withdrawal or delivery method.

  • The Bank shall have no obligation to make any disbursement of any Withdrawable Funds (or any other funds) to the Company or any other person until the Bank had received final payment therefor.

  • The Bank’s responsibilities under this Agreement are limited to the safe holding of Company Deposits, collecting dividends and interest thereon, and disbursing Withdrawable Funds as set forth in this Agreement.

  • In the event that the Bank credits the Account in anticipation of the Bank’s collection of Withdrawable Funds (or any other funds) that the Bank is then unable to collect, the Bank may charge such amounts back to the Account and, to the extent there are insufficient funds in the Account to reimburse the Bank, the Company agrees to reimburse the Bank within one business day after demand in immediately available funds.

  • The Bank will invest cash in the Account (other than Withdrawable Funds) pursuant to Written Instructions of the Company.

  • As used in this Plan, the terms set forth below have the following meanings:Account(s): Withdrawable deposit(s) in the Bank, including certificates of deposit.Acting in Concert: The term "acting in concert" shall have the same meaning given it in Section 574.2(c) of the Regulations.

  • Withdrawable would mean that any accruing interest would be reportable for tax purposes.

  • As used in this Plan, the terms set forth below have the following meanings: Account(s): Withdrawable deposit(s) in the Bank, including certificates of deposit.

  • The System computes the allowable amount based on the Withdrawable Uncollected Funds Basis option specified in the Branch Parameters Preferences screen.

  • Assume that you (as our Client) have excess Margin, i.e., the Free Margin amount is positive and you request payment of an amount not exceeding the Withdrawable Funds and the Balance on your Account.

More Definitions of Withdrawable

Withdrawable means shares that are transferable to another Person who also qualifies for membership of the Society in accordance with these Rules;
Withdrawable means shares with the associated right for the Member to withdraw in accordance with these Rules;
Withdrawable means shares with the associated right for the Member
Withdrawable means shares with the associated right for the Member to withdraw

Related to Withdrawable