Withhold Payments Sample Clauses

Withhold Payments. If Contractor fails to provide Services in accordance with Contractor's obligations under this Agreement, the City may withhold any and all payments due Contractor until such failure to perform is cured, and Contractor shall not stop work as a result of City's withholding of payments as provided herein.
Withhold Payments. The DEPARTMENT may withhold Payments for any ineligible claims including inadequate, incorrect, or untimely monthly invoices until such time as the ineligible, inadequate or untimely claim is resubmitted and/or corrected by VENDOR. VENDOR agrees to return any unearned amounts paid by the DEPARTMENT within thirty (30) days following the final date of the contact period, or at the DEPARTMENT’S option, within thirty (30) days following the DEPARTMENT’S delivery to VENDOR a notice that amounts paid are to be returned to DEPARTMENT.
Withhold Payments. If Hotel fails to provide Rooms and Services in accordance with Hotel's obligations under this Agreement, following written notice of such failure the City may withhold any and all payments due Hotel until such failure to perform is cured, and Hotel shall not stop performance under this Agreement as a result of City's withholding of payments as provided herein.
Withhold Payments. If Contractor fails to provide Services in accordance with Contractor's obligations under this Agreement, the City must give Contractor written notice of such failure. If after ten (10) business days from the date of written notice, Contractor has still not provided such Services, then the City may withhold applicable payments due Contractor under the invoice(s) for the specific Services giving rise to such failure until such failure to perform is cured, and Contractor shall not stop work as a result of City's withholding of payments as provided herein.
Withhold Payments. The DEPARTMENT may withhold Payments for any ineligible claims including inadequate or untimely monthly invoices until such time as the ineligible, inadequate or untimely claim is resubmitted and/or corrected by VENDOR. DEPARTMENT reserves the right to suspend Defendant placements, withhold Payments, or require the return of Payments in the case of noncompliance with DEPARTMENT Policies, including, but not limited to, recurring acts of noncompliance and expenditures for unallowable costs.
Withhold Payments. District reserves the right to withhold payments to Contractor for amounts reasonable and sufficient to (a) cover District’s costs in processing invoices more than 60 days late and (b) protect the District from any loss, damage, or claim which may result from Contractor’s failure to perform in accordance with the terms of this Purchase Order or failure to make proper payment to suppliers or subcontractors.
Withhold Payments. Licensee may withhold payment from Licensor in any instance in which Licensor has failed or refused to satisfy any material obligation provided for under this Agreement.
Withhold Payments. If Contractor fails to provide Services in accordance with Contractor's obligations under this Agreement, the LAFCo may withhold any and all payments due Contractor until such failure to perform is cured, and Contractor shall not stop work as a result of LAFCo’s withholding of payments as provided herein.
Withhold Payments. If the SBHASO and the Contractor cannot agree upon a resolution within ten
Withhold Payments. If Contractor fails to provide the Services in DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RQWUDFWRU¶V REOLJDWLRQV XQGHU WKLV $JUHHPHQW payments due to Contractor until such failure to perform is cured, and Contractor shall not stop work as a result of &LW\¶V ZLWKKROGLQJ RI SD\PHQWV DV SURYLGHG KHUHLQ