Examples of Word processing in a sentence
Word processing, e.g. the use of a word processing software package to create, format, edit, correct, print and save text documents.
Preparing your manuscript6.1 Word processing formats6.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics 6.3 Supplementary material6.4 Reference style6.5 English language editing services7.
Word processing concepts: saving, closing, Opening an existing document, Selecting text, Editing text, Finding and replacing text, printing documents, Creating and Printing Merged Documents, Character and Paragraph Formatting, Page Design and Layout.
Word processing, spreadsheet and presentation editors, with real-time co-editing support, and contextual commenting and discussions, with file version management from IBM Connections Social Cloud.
Word processing software, Spreadsheet software: Excel environment, copying cells using Fill handle, dragging cells, Formulas and functions, Inserting Charts, sorting.Presentation software: Introduction, PowerPoint environment, creating a new presentation, working with different views, using masters, adding animation, adding transition, running slides.
For example, a reasonable de- scription of the property of a business office might include the following cat- egories: Word processing or data proc- essing equipment, other office equip- ment and furniture, and office supplies.
Word processing files for entry of hazard information, which are customized by the user in preparing a written report to the employer.
Word processing software to create, format, edit, correct, print and save text documents.
Word processing software, Spreadsheet software: Excel environment, Copying cells using Fill handle, dragging cells, Formulas and functions, Inserting Charts, sorting.
Intra-company meetings require subscriptions by all internal participants.● Docs - Word processing, spreadsheet and presentation editors, with real-time co-editing support, and contextual commenting and discussions, with file version management from IBM Connections Social Cloud.● Verse - Web-based mail, calendar and contact information in the cloud, including integrated instant messaging with spam and anti-virus protection.