Examples of Woreda Council in a sentence
At the lowest level of Woreda Council, only 6.6% are women out of the 70,430 council members.
Within four weeks of the complaint being heard, the KAC will report and provide a listing of all the grievances heard and resolved to the Kebele Council, who in turn will share the list to the Woreda Council.
This focal person will communicate with the regional GRM focal persons assigned by the Regional BoA, who will receive listings of appeals and their resolution from the Woreda Food Security Desk, which in turn would have received it from the Woreda Council, Kebele Council, and KAC.
According to the Shebedino Woreda Council, the population of the Woreda in 2008 was 245,014, with a density of 1,043 persons/km2.
A template document will be provided to the KAC so that they can document their verification, investigation and resolution process.The KAC will give resolution to the appeals and send a listing of the cases to the Kebele and Woreda Council, who in turn will validate the recommendation and forward the appeal to the Woreda Food Security Task Force for implementation.
Field data show that among 80 members of Awi Nationality Council, females’ participation was only 23(28.75%), among 849 members of Woreda Council females constitute only 333 (39.22), and from 51,067 members of Kebele Council, very minimal 10,078(19.73) were females (see table 3.9 below).
The recommendations of the Cabinet members are discussed and approved by the Council and the plan approved by the Woreda Council is submitted to the Zone and Regional Administration for review.
Once the basic project document is approved, the CO-SAERs or the Cooperating Sponsors take charge and work with the community and the concerned Woreda Council, in the construction of the basic infrastructure (headworks – dam or weir and primary canals).
The Woreda Council, which meets quarterly, approves (or rejects) the proposals.
Despite the Nationality Council in the upper tires of woreda council, there is no as such significant power entrusted to Zone Nationality Council compared to Woreda Council, except issuance of specific guide lines and budget proclamation.